Unsecured loans are not secured on your property .
无 担保贷款没有担保的财产。
Foreign banks typically focus on non-RMB loans letter of credits unsecured revolving credits and trade financing .
外资银行的 业务重点是 非 人民币贷款、信用证 (letterofcredits)、无担保的周转信贷( unsecured revolvingcredit)、贸易融资(tradefinancing)等。
The MTA removes secured and unsecured message copies from the queues when the message is transferred successfully .
在成功传输邮件后,mta将从队列中删除安全的和 不 安全的邮件副本。
Unsecured : unless creditor gets specific creditors claim they have no claim to assets .
无 抵押:除非债权人获得明确的债权请求,否则他们对资产没有主张的权利。
Once unsecured debtholders of insolvent banks lose market discipline would return to the whole sector .
一旦无力偿债银行的 无 担保债权人真的遭受损失,市场纪律就将重返整个行业。
An unsecured servlet can 't get access to details of the current user .
一个 不 安全的servlet无法访问当前用户的详细信息。
The Bank of america grants them unsecured letters of credit .
美国银行授予他们 无 担保信用证。
This can make it easier to get an unsecured loan should you need it .
这可以使其更易于获得无 抵押贷款,应您的需要。
Since this is the case unsecured loans typically have higher interest rates .
鉴于此, 不 安全的贷款通常有更高的利息率。
In the future the claims of workers will take precedence only over unsecured creditors .
以后对工人的诉求,将只会优先于 无 担保的债权人。
Currently banks base submissions on the cost of unsecured borrowing .
目前,银行根据 未 担保借贷的成本提交参考利率。
This means writing down shareholders and converting uninsured and unsecured debt into equity when banks cannot raise the capital they need .
也就是说,当银行无法募集到需要的资金时,需要对股东减记,将没有保险和 无 担保的债务转变为股票。
You can see it is the unsecured type .
您能看到它是 无 担保键入。
The fourth option recapitalisation would convert the claims of unsecured creditors to equity in the bridge bank .
第四个选择是资本重组,这将把 无 抵押债权人的债权转为过渡银行的股权。
In fact investments are low risk unsecured deposits .
其实,投资就是低风险, 无 保险存款。
The loans become in effect unsecured .
此类贷款实际上成了 无 担保贷款。
Credit cards are unsecured loans .
信用卡是 不 安全的贷款。
We can arrange unsecured loans for any amount from £ 500 to £ 7 .
我们能提供数额从500英镑到7英镑的 无 担保贷款。
Cribs should be placed away from windows and tall unsecured bookcases and shelves that could slide or topple .
婴儿床应放在远离窗户和高, 无 担保的书柜和书架,可以幻灯片或推翻。
By default when a dial plan is created it will use unsecured mode or no encryption .
默认情况下,创建拨号计划时,拨号计划将使用 不 安全模式,或者不使用加密。
Fifteen investors bought the one-year short-term unsecured debt which paid 8.15 per cent .
15家投资者买下了这些为期一年的短期 无 担保债务,其利率为8.15%。
Unsecured objects might exist only in memory .
不 安全的对象可能只存在于内存中。
A by-product of restricting SSL encryption to specific pages is that the burden of managing the navigation between secured and unsecured pages falls on the Web site developers .
限制只对特定页面进行SSL加密的副作用是为网站开发人员带来了对安全页面和 不 安全页面之间导航进行管理的负担。
Contrary to popular belief the largest loans made by some banks are granted on an unsecured basis .
和流行的观念相反,某些银行承担的数额最大的贷款是在 没有 抵押的基础上发放的。
GM would have been able to determine which contracts to reject giving it the chance to restructure its dealer networks supply and long-term debt secured and unsecured .
通用汽车本应能够决定拒绝哪类合同,获得机会重组其经销商网络、供应和长期债务(有担保的和 无 担保的)。