


  • The born weakness of vernacular poems is the unrefined language .

    白话诗语言 精练,是与生俱来之病。

  • But it is present in unrefined flour and of course in vegetables .

    可是在 加工的面粉或蔬菜中就含有 纤维

  • Mr Zuma is right that a trade relationship based mainly on supplying China with unrefined raw materials is undesirable in the long term .

    祖马正确 认识到,主要基于向中国供应 加工原材料的贸易关系“在长期里”对非洲不利。

  • Unrefined raw materials ( no matter how valuable ) are simply wasted potential .


  • Analyzed the changement between the refined oil and unrefined oil ;

    分析了 精制油前后性质的变化;

  • A natural or unrefined state .

    天生的或 没有 加工的状态。

  • I started this project with one hope to make the best use of a humidifier having a large size and an unrefined design .

    我开始这一项目之一希望能最好地利用加湿器有一个大尺寸和 大雅之堂的设计。

  • Western painting too real in the eyes of the Chinese people unrefined .

    西画在中国人眼里太实, 大雅之堂

  • ( of persons ) so unrefined as to be lacking in discrimination and sensibility .

    (指人)如此 愚钝,缺乏辨别力和敏感度。

  • China said yesterday it would start building state reserves of refined oil products such as petrol and diesel to diversify strategic stockpiles away from unrefined crude oil in a move that mirrors Europe 's policy .

    中国昨日表示,将开始建立汽油和柴油等成品油的国家储备,实现战略储备多元化,不再 局限 精炼的原油。此举与欧洲的政策类似。

  • Used of persons and their behavior ; not refined ; uncouth . Although it is often vulgar and unrefined its implied meaning can be both deep and eloquent .

    用来指人和他们的行为;不文雅的;粗俗的;。它虽然不雅,甚至 粗俗,但却具有极强的表意功能。

  • The unrefined carbohydrates like wholemeal bread and brown rice are best of all because they contain essential dietary fibre and B vitamins .

    碳水化合物的 ,如全麦面包和糙米是最好的,因为它们含有重要的膳食纤维和维生素B。

  • Unrefined foods especially those that are high in fiber stimulate appetite-suppressing hormones and make you feel full .


  • The 1970s-era rules that ban exports of unrefined crude oil except in a few limited circumstances are a relic of the Opec oil embargo .

    上世纪70年代美国出台的禁止 精炼原油出口(少数情况下例外)的法规,是欧佩克石油禁运的遗留产物。

  • Good sources of thiamine include unrefined cereal grains .

    硫胺素在谷物粗粮中含量 丰富

  • Unrefined brown sugar made from palm sap .

    用棕榈树液制成的 精炼的棕色糖。

  • Gold unrefined or refined in unwrought forms non-monetary ( excl. blanks of articles )

    提炼 提炼的黄金,未段造形态,非货币(不包括制品坯料)

  • How can a refined girl be drawn to such an unrefined man ?

    一个优雅的女孩怎么会被一个 粗俗的男人所吸引呢?

  • Refined girls are often drawn to unrefined men .

    淑女常 倾心

  • They can be found in fish and fish oil unrefined vegetable oils raw nuts seeds and beans .

    他们可以在鱼和鱼油, 大雅之堂植物油原料坚果,种子和豆类。

  • Stearin is harder and burns longer than unrefined tallow .

    在19世纪早期到中期,蜡烛处理工艺使用alkali和sulfuricacid来 提炼tallow, 提炼后的产品就是stearin, stearin 提炼的tallow坚硬而且燃烧得更久。

  • Being in an unrefined or natural state ; raw .

    天然的处于天然的或 加工状态的;

  • The tuhao have become a punching bag on Chinas blogosphere for being the symbol of wasteful wealth and unrefined taste or as a report by Foreign Policy they are Chinas version of the Beverly Hillbillies .

    在中国的社交网络上, 土豪已经成为挥霍无度和品位低下的象征而受人鄙视。或者用《外交政策》杂志的报道,土豪是中国版的贝弗利山人。

  • A cosmopolitan character might be experienced in the skills of etiquette while an unrefined peasant might know countless folk tales about the fey .

    一位四海为家的角色可能熟习各地的风气礼节,而一个 粗鄙 乡下农民说不定有数不尽的仙灵故事。

  • While raw unrefined varieties of honey - from farms and health food stores - do contain trace vitamins and minerals ; niacin riboflavin thiamine and vitamin B6 they only make up about two per cent of honey 's total content .

    实际上, 养蜂场里的和健康食品店中的 加工的生蜂蜜确实含有多种维生素和矿物质, 如烟酸、核黄素、维生素B1、B6等,但它们的总量也只占到2%。

  • Otherwise the proposals might only reflect unrefined material which would in turn make it difficult to select the best solution .

    如果 时间 仓促,供应商的建议书可能会 比较 粗糙,我们也很难选择最好的解决方案。

  • Unrefined lead that is hard because of the impurities it contains .


  • Unrefined carbohydrates include brown rice and other grains .

    糙米和其他谷物 精制的碳水化合物。

  • Leave dynamite to the low and unrefined .

    把炸药留给那些 低劣

  • This paper analyzes the differences of chemistry inclusions and microstructure for refined and unrefined ship steels .

    对精炼船用钢和 精炼船用钢的化学成分、夹杂物、金相组织进行了分析对比。