


  • Unlike so much of the financial system the mutual fund industry came through this crisis unscathed .

    与金融系统中的大多数领域不同,共同基金业 毫发 度过了此次危机。

  • Even those who were completely content with their other half did not escape unscathed .

    即使那些对他们的另一半完全满意的人也没有 逃脱 这种 命运

  • He walked away from the accident completely unscathed .

    其他 答案安然无恙 从事故现场走开了。

  • Few reputations have emerged unscathed as the crisis has ripped through the financial system .

    随着危机横扫整个金融体系,几乎没有哪家知名机构能够 安然无恙

  • The majority of tycoons implicated in the financial crisis emerged unscathed if somewhat poorer .

    多数须对 引发亚洲金融危机负责的大亨们最终都 毫发 无损最多 因此变得穷了一些)。

  • However Chinese financial institutions remain relatively unscathed compared with their counterparts in Western markets .

    然而,与西方市场的金融机构相比,中国金融机构 受到 影响仍然相对 较小

  • Tony emerged unscathed apart from a severely bruised finger

    托尼除了一根手指严重 淤青没有受到其他伤害。

  • No blood was found suggesting they landed unscathed .

    现场没有发现血迹,说明他们落地时 安然无恙

  • Many large companies operating in China remain optimistic that the economy will emerge relatively unscathed from the crisis .

    在华经营的许多大公司仍乐观地相信,中国经济将相对 完好 从危机中脱身。

  • The Wall Street investment bank has hardly emerged unscathed from the credit crunch .

    这家华尔街投行在信贷危机中差点没 全身 退

  • He came through unscathed .

    平安 过来了。

  • Stimulus programmes also helped China navigate unscathed through both the Asian and recent global financial crises .

    刺激计划也发挥了作用,帮助中国 毫发 无损 渡过了亚洲金融危机及最近的全球金融危机。

  • Singapore had just emerged relatively unscathed from the Asian economic crisis and the market was Booming again .

    此时 狮城刚从 波及全亚洲的经济危机中走出来,市场又恢复了往日的繁荣。

  • The sisters walked away unscathed .

    姐妹俩 毫发 无损的走了 出来

  • Still my people the water-breathers went relatively unscathed .

    还有,我的人民,水息者, 没有 受伤

  • East Los Angeles was left relatively unscathed by the riots

    相对来说,洛杉矶东部 基本没有受到 暴乱 影响

  • But he can be in unscathed outside also can in unscathed .

    而他,可以在 劫数外,也可以在劫数内。

  • Nobody is suggesting that Asia would escape unscathed from a sharp American downturn .

    没有人提出亚洲会在美国经济突然转 毫发 无损

  • Fundraising for China-focused private equity and venture capital has been unscathed by the global financial market turmoil .

    专注于中国的私人股本基金和风投机构的融资活动在此次全球金融市场动荡中 毫发 无损

  • He sat up . His body appeared unscathed .

    他坐了起来,身体好像 没有 受伤

  • Knowing this should give you the strength to come through this remaining period unscathed .

    知道这个会给予你们力量 影响地通过这剩下的 时期

  • The tobacco industry escaped unscathed from its toughest legal challenge .

    烟草业成功 逃过了最严峻的法律质疑。

  • Interestingly some countries have remained unscathed in early July-North Korea Central Asia and some African countries .

    有趣地,到了七月初,一些国家仍然 受影响,当中包括北韩、中亚和非洲多国。

  • But other emerging markets would not escape unscathed .

    不过其他新兴市场国家也无法 全身 退

  • The economy 's engine of domestic consumption and a tightly regulated financial sector has pulled through almost unscathed .

    印度经济的国内消费引擎和受到严格监管的金融部门在 危机中几乎 毫发

  • Avoid them like a plague : nobody wins in a fight even if you walk away unscathed .

    就像躲瘟疫一样躲避斗争:没有人在一场斗争中胜出,即使你 毫发 无损 离开了。

  • China above all and also India to a marked degree have survived the crisis unscathed .

    首先是中国,然后还有印度,很大程度上 安然渡过了这场危机。

  • I got through more or less unscathed but Hugo received a blow in the eye .

    我多少 还算不上 什么 ,但雨果的眼睛可挨了一拳。

  • It was Mark 's first introduction to royal duties and he came through his baptism of fire unscathed .

    这是马克第一次承担皇室的工作,但他经受住了严峻的 考验

  • With a strong corporate base Malta sailed through the economic crisis relatively unscathed .

    凭借强大的公司基础,马耳他平稳度过经济危机, 几乎 影响