


  • The results of other tests including the measurement of serum iron and ceruloplasmin concentrations iron saturation 24-hour urine copper levels and a pregnancy test were unremarkable .

    其他测试包括血清铁和血浆铜蓝蛋白、铁饱和度、24小时尿铜水平和妊娠试验结果都 没有 异常

  • Watford gap is geographically unremarkable but culturally iconic .

    沃特福德峡谷在地理学上 无足轻重,但是文化意义重大。

  • Multi-million dollar gyms have become so common that they are unremarkable .

    学校投入数百万美元建设健身房也已 司空见惯

  • In some ways the prescriptions may seem unremarkable .

    某种意义上说,这些病例看起来 不是 显著

  • As is often the case with this sort of observation it sounds unremarkable ;

    与这类观察通常情况一样,听上去 没有 什么 特别

  • In 2010 Bill Gates visited an unremarkable building in an industrial estate on the outskirts of Shenzhen China .

    2010年,比尔•盖茨(BillGates)参观了中国深圳郊区一个工业区的一 寻常建筑。

  • You not do things is that ordinary unremarkable broad bean flower .

    你,不是别物,就是那普普通通、 平平 常常 豆花。

  • Shortly thereafter the price on several small licensing figures quickly knocking him down it is unremarkable pieces of T-shirts the price was more than he had a month 's pay .

    紧接着,标价牌上几个小小的数字飞快地把他打倒了,就是 起眼的T恤,标价竟然超过了他一个月的生活费。

  • Completely ordinary and unremarkable . Don 't you know that a dime is worth much more than a nickel ?

    十分普通和 值得 注意的。你不知道一角的比五分的值钱得多吗?

  • The influence of rare earth on foam 's mechanical properties was unremarkable .

    稀土对泡沫铝及其 合金的力学性能影响 不大

  • His pre-op labs are unremarkable .

    他之前的检查结果 值得 注意

  • That this unremarkable exchange had been our last .

    这次 寻常的招呼 成为最后一次。

  • When purple and orange paint are mixed the result is an unremarkable brown .

    如果把紫色与橙色颜料混合,得到的结果是 那么 起眼的棕色。

  • This may seem an unremarkable conclusion .

    这似乎是个 值得 注意的结论。

  • This would have been a sad but unremarkable case except that it was only brought following a huge national outcry .

    这本来是一件 让人悲痛但却 寻常的案件,但由于有了全国民众的参与,这一案件变得不同寻常。

  • The waiter interrupts with our food : two rocket salads neatly arranged into a pyramid which are tasty but unremarkable .

    侍者的上菜中断了我们的谈话:两个芝麻菜沙拉,整齐的排列成金字塔的形状, 起眼但是非常美味。

  • On a trade-weighted basis the dollar is also in unremarkable territory as it is versus sterling .

    有贸易加权作基础,目前美元对英镑的汇率还处于 中等水平。

  • The men of my past search-engine-wise are mostly unremarkable .

    我过去的男友们都很低调,很难在谷歌中找到他们的 踪影

  • For most people that is pretty unremarkable . But it is actually really interesting when you look at it from a physics perspective .

    对大多数人来说这一 现象 平淡无奇,但是从物理学的角度来看你会发现这其实是一个很有趣的现象。

  • The family lived in an unremarkable suburb of Detroit .

    一家人生活在底特律 起眼的郊区。

  • They would be unremarkable if it were not for the story that lies behind the field and its investors .

    如果不是因为该油田及其股东背后的故事,这两 平台本将 默默无闻

  • The effect of the plants in CCW is remarkable to NH3-N removal but unremarkable to phosphorus removal .

    人工湿地水生植物的长势对 NH3-N的去除有显著影响,对磷的去除效果影响不大。

  • For the past 160 years the document has been studied by a few scholars but has been considered pretty unremarkable .

    在这近160年的时间里,很多学者对这份手稿进行了研究,但都觉得 意义 不大

  • And of course its lavatories were unremarkable .

    当然,它的厕所也是 稀松 平常的。

  • The story is about an unremarkable family evening in middle-class suburbia .

    剧本讲的是发生在 市郊 普通中产阶级家庭里的一个聚会。

  • The constancy of the speed of light seems at first thought unremarkable .

    光速恒定,初看起来好像 平常

  • The Himmlers were an unremarkable middle class household from Munich .

    希姆莱一家是来自慕尼黑的一个 起眼的中产阶级家庭。

  • My forbear was unremarkable he says a strange opening to a most remarkable tale .

    我的先祖是个 普通人,他说,给这个颇具传奇的故事开了个奇怪的开场白。

  • Such tools could become as unremarkable as once innovative technological aids for executives such as mobile phones .

    此类工具可能像昔日总裁们的创新科技助理(如手机)一样, 变得 司空见惯

  • Even otherwise unremarkable insertions of L1s may cause significant effects on nearby genes such as lowering their expression .

    有时L1 微不足道的插入可能对附近基因产生显著的影响,如表达下调。