The polynomials for emission factors of CO HC NOx and the combination emission factor changing with the vehicle speed on 4th gear under unladen condition were fitted respectively .
并分别拟合出在4挡 空载情况下,排放因子CO、HC、NOx和总污染物排放因子随车速的变化 规律多项式。
The cans of new milk were unladen in the rain Tess getting a little shelter from a neighbouring holly tree .
车上的牛奶罐在雨中 被 卸了 下来,苔丝在附近一棵冬青树下找了一个避雨的地方。
Now a Unladen swallow retrospective confirms that the project is defunct and is no longer being developed .
现在,一 篇回顾 unladen swallow 的 文章已经确认了这个项目的死亡,不会再进行开发。
It is shown by results that the combination emission factor approaches the minimum at 95 km / h under unladen condition .
结果表明, 空载情况下,试验 车辆 总 污染物排放因子最低时的 车速 约为 95km/h。
Unladen Swallow was an attempt to bring LLVM optimisations to the CPython runtime but hasn 't seen significant activity for the last year .
unladen swallow尝试将LLVM优化引入到CPython运行时,但是去年却没有取得重大进展。
Neither PyPy nor Unladen Swallow could change that aspect .
很不幸的是,PyPy或者 unladen swallow都不能改变这个现实。
The unladen swallow group is now referring others to PyPy instead ; another Python runtime which uses a custom JIT in order to speed up execution .
unladen swallow小组现在将所有的精力转到PyPy上。这个是另外一个Python运行时,它自定义了JIT以加速执行效率。
v.卸下,卸货( unlade的过去分词 )