State estimator ( filtering ) is to estimate the unknown state in system via measurable observed signal which is one of basic problems in the area of control and signal processing .
状态估计(滤波)是利用可测量的观测信号对系统内部 无法 测量 的 状态进行估计,是控制和信号处理领域重要的基本问题之一。
Probabilistic teleportation of an N-particle arbitrary and unknown state via W states
信道为W态的N粒子任意 未知 态的概率传送
It needs infinite classical information to describe an unknown quantum state .
对一个 未知量子 态的经典描述需要很多的经典比特信息。
The teleportation scheme of an N-particle unknown state can be realized by Alice 's Bell-state measurements and Bob 's computation basis measurements and unitary transformations with the probability of the successful teleportation ( 2 / 3 ) ~ N.
通过Alice的Bell基测量和Bob的计算基测量及幺正变换,实现N粒子任意 未知 态的概率传送。这种方案成功实现的概率为(2/3)~N。
It is impossible to copy ( or clone ) an unknown quantum state perfectly . This is one of the basic rules governing the quantum physics and that is no-cloning theorem .
对一个 未知的量子 态精确的复制(或克隆)是不可能的,这是支配量子体系的基本原理之一,即量子不可克隆定理。
Utilizing that the sliding mode observer can overcome the unknown input disturbance of the control system and sliding mode observer is designed to observe system unknown state variables .
利用滑模观测器克服未知输入扰动对控制系统的影响,设计滑模观测器观测系统 未知 状态变量,既实现了对状态变量有效地观测,又简化了系统硬件设备。
As an application a scheme for teleporting an N-particle unknown state via the product state of W states is investigated .
应用这种表述形式,提出一个以N组三粒子W态的直积态作为信道的N粒子 未知 态的隐形传送方案。
In 1993 Bennett et al proposed a scheme for teleporting an unknown quantum state of one-particle .
1993年Bennett等人提出了传输单粒子 未知量子 态的方案。
This could leave the container in an unknown state possibly causing data corruption .
这会使容器处于 未知 状态,从而有可能导致数据损坏。
Controlled Teleportation of Unknown Two-particle State Based on Four-Particle Partly Entangled State
利用四粒子部分纠缠态实现二粒子 未知 态的概率受控量子传递
A representation of an N-particle arbitrary and unknown state is proposed .
提出一种N粒子任意 未知 态的表述形式。
A scheme of teleporting a two-qubit unknown atomic state is proposed .
提出了一种隐形传送两比特 未知原子 态的方案。
A scheme for probabilistic teleportation of an arbitrary and unknown three-particle state is given .
给出了1个任意三粒子 态的概率 隐形传输方案。
Scheme for Transfer of an Unknown Atomic State Via Cavity QED ;
在腔QED中实现一个 未知原子 态转移的方案(英文)
The deviation of the theorem is based on the basic constraint in quantum mechanics-the linearity of the Hilbert space . It points out that it is impossible to exactly copy an arbitrary unknown quantum state .
量子不可克隆定理是由量子力学基本限定希尔伯特空间的线性性而得到的,它指出:不可能准确地复制任意 未知量子 态。
In practical application to obtain the prior information of unknown state is very difficult and as a result the state model based on it has large uncertainty .
准确的状态方程是基于模型的状态估计算法准确有效的重要前提,但实际应用中, 未知 状态的先验信息是难以准确获得,这样会导致建立的状态模型存在大的模型不确定性。
However it is not advisable to use hot update in real time system because hot update could result in the system leading into an unknown state .
不过,在实时系统中使用热更新并不明智,因为热更新可能导致系统进入 未知 状态。
I hope that my work is in an unknown state .
我希望自己的工作处于一种 未知 的 状态。
If there is a link in an unknown state there will be a red question mark on the type icon .
如果存在 未知 状态的链接,那么类型图标上就将出现红色的问号。
Here the basic theorem of the security of quantum cryptography is no-cloning theorem which forbids cloning an unknown state perfectly .
其中量子密码安全性的基础是 量子不可克隆原理。
Signal detection of PSA means detecting the signal at given direction with unknown polarization state under generalized noise background .
极化敏感阵列信号检测主要研究待检测方向上广义噪声背景中 未知极化信号的检测问题。
Because validation occurs before the component values are bound to the model ( in the update model values phase ) the model is in an unknown state .
由于验证发生在组件值绑定到模型之前(在更新模型值阶段),所以模型处于 未知 状态。
Resetting the center position can create a jump movement upon tilt past a threshold but is preferable in many applications to a slow drift or unknown initial state .
如果重设中心位置,那么在倾斜超过阈值后将产生一个跳跃的移动,但是在多数应用程序中,缓慢的移动或 未知的初始 状态比较可取。
A set of equations to find the top surface unknown state quantities was obtained by utilizing the top and bottom surface known quantities .
通过求解方程组,便得上表面 未知 状态量,最终可以得到任意位置处状态量。
A scheme for teleporting an unknown quantum state via a partially entangled particle pair is proposed .
提出一种利用部分纠缠粒子对作为 量子通道实现量子隐形传 态的方案。
Based on adiabatic passage transfers of an unknown state of one atom entangled state of two-atom and GHZ state are realized where only one vacuum-cavity is needed .
基于绝热过程,仅需一个真空腔即可分别实现 未知单原子 态、双原子纠缠态及GHZ态的转移。
Quantum tomography can reconstruct density matrix by measuring a large number of unknown quantum state in the same status to gain quantum state information .
量子层析恰好可以通过测量 未知量子 态的大量全同样本的一组完备可观测量的平均值来重构量子态的密度矩阵,从而获取量子态信息。
Teleportation of an Unknown Atomic-entangled State via the Interaction of V-type Three-level-atom with Two-mode Cavity Field
利用双模腔场与V型三能级原子共振作用隐形传送 未知原子 态
美[ʌnˈnon stet]英[ʌnˈnəʊn steit]