And our electronic Anti-Lock Braking System ( ABS ) gives you unsurpassed handling and control .
电子防抱死刹车系统使操纵和制动 无与伦比。
His teachings had unsurpassed influence on all the great Greek and Roman schools of philosophy .
他的教学有对哲学所有伟大的希腊和罗马学校的 未 被 超越的影响。
Provide unsurpassed quality and service
提供 优质的产品和 良好的服务
It is secure from the worldly contact and unsurpassed in its reach .
从世俗接触中安心并且达到了 无上 觉悟。
The whole bowl process unsurpassed very precious .
整个银碗工艺 绝伦、弥足珍贵。
For this precious one day I low noble head I decided that is one day of you the servant serves wholeheartedly for you this will be my unsurpassed honor !
为了这宝贵的一天,我低下高贵的头,我决定做一天你的奴仆,全心全意为你服务,这将是我 无上的光荣!
Our team 's commitment to their work is unsurpassed .
制作团队对工作的负责是 卓绝的。
They showed unsurpassed bravery in battle .
在战斗中他们表现 得 无比英勇。
Our vision is to create and deliver products that offer an exceptional combination of comfort quality and unsurpassed value .
我们的愿景是要创造和提供产品,提供一个舒适,品质和 无与伦比的价值的特殊组合。
The quality of Smallbone furniture is unsurpassed .
The green of this English country is unsurpassed .
英国这个农村的绿色是 举世 绝伦的。
My country is blessed with unsurpassed natural resources .
我国有 得天独厚的自然资源。
The flexibility and freedom provided by replication has been an unsurpassed benefit of using IBM Lotus Notes .
复制所提供的灵活性和自由性是使用IBMLotusNotes的 无与伦比的优点。
Dell maintains a relentless focus on reducing costs while maintaining quality standards that are unsurpassed in the industry .
当维持在工业是 未 被 超越的优秀标准时,小山谷维持减少费用的一个无情的焦点。
The ubiquity and utility of Ant as a build tool for Java projects is virtually unsurpassed .
Ant作为Java项目构建工具的普遍性和实用性是无法 超越的。
These certificates are your assurance of unsurpassed quality .
这是我们对 产品质量的保证。
He is the unsurpassed great teacher who protects Dharma well who well upholds the precepts .
他是一个 无比伟大的教师,他非常好的保护了佛法,他很好的持守戒律。
Here the Tathagata became fully enlightened in unsurpassed supreme Enlightenment !
这里如来获得了完全的 觉悟,最高的觉悟!
Who on this battlefield displayed heroism unsurpassed sacrificing all in support of their cause .
他们在这块战场上显示了 无比的英雄气概并为 理想而献身。
I 'm sure the freshness and sweetness of my fruits are unsurpassed .
我相信它们的新鲜度与甜度是 无人 可 比的。
Bob 's knowledge of players and the game in general is unsurpassed .
总体上鲍勃有关球员和比赛的知识是 无法 超越的。
He 's stood atop Everest an astonishing seven times a feat unsurpassed by any Western climber .
他惊人地7次登上埃佛勒斯峰顶,这一纪录 尚未被任何西方登山者打破。
In another literary form poetry the Bible is unsurpassed .
在另一种文学形式即诗歌方面,《圣经》是 无与伦比的。
Both had always considered their automotive engineering unsurpassed .
双方总是认为自己的汽车工程 技术 无可比拟。
Twenty miles north you 'll find a coastline unsurpassed in its beauty .
往北走20英里,你会看到风景美丽 绝伦的海岸线。
Your skill with a latajang should be unsurpassed .
你对拉塔武器的运用应该是 无人能及。
Unsurpassed Image Quality and Performance EDIUS Pro features the revolutionary Canopus HQ Codec .
They composed and sang epic poems of unsurpassed beauty and insight .
他们创作并演唱史诗, 其优美和深刻 无与伦比。
Casting away a short life I have gained a long one and I cause all beings to aspire to unsurpassed Bodhi .
放弃了短暂的生命,我获得了长久的生命,我让所有的众生都羡慕 无上菩提。