


  • And I have this burning sensation when I urinate .


  • It is not essential for a patient to demonstrate the ability to urinate unless genitourinary gynecologic or other surgery has been performed in the inguinal or perineal region .

    除非是在腹股沟或会阴区进行的泌尿生殖手术,妇科或其他相关的手术,没有必要让病人证明有 排尿能力。

  • After a couple of jolts the dog would start moaning and then urinate .

    在两振动之后,狗将开始呻吟然后 小便

  • I urinate more frequently than usual .


  • As well as suffering from recurrent sore throats and swollen glands you may often be thirsty and have to urinate frequently .

    同时你还感觉到嗓子又疼又肿,还经常口渴, 的上 厕所

  • They do not eat drink urinate or defecate .

    它们不吃不喝,也不拉不 尿

  • Not only do they want you to urinate .

    他们不光希望你 尿 出来

  • LUTS includes men with difficulty urinating difficulty emptying their bladder or men who urinate frequently .

    下尿路症状包括排尿困难的男性,他们的膀胱排空困难,或男子谁 小便频繁。

  • While caffeinated drinks may have a mild diuretic effect - meaning that they may cause the need to urinate - some experts believe they don 't appear to increase the risk of dehydration .

    虽然含咖啡因的饮料可能有一种温和的利尿剂效果&这意味着他们可能会导致我们需要 尿尿,但一些专家认为他们不会增加脱水的风险。

  • Do you want to urinate or have a bm sir ?

    先生,你要去 大便小便呢?

  • He 's able to urinate on demand just by scratching or pinching his thigh which stimulates the nerve and signals the bladder to empty .

    他现在需要的 时候只要挠或揪一下大腿,就可以刺激神经使膀胱 排尿

  • Guys often feel a burning sensation when they urinate and yellowish-white discharge may ooze out of the urethra ( at the tip of the penis ) .

    球员往往感到 小便时灼痛,和黄,白色的分泌物可能软泥出在龟头尿道()。

  • You seem to urinate very much .

    我好像 小便特别多。

  • A plumbing fixture ( usually attached to the wall ) used by men to urinate .

    男人 小便使用的铅管固定设备(通常固定在墙上)。

  • In some cases girls will feel a burning sensation when they urinate or they will have a yellow-green vaginal discharge .

    在某些情况下,女孩会感到 小便时灼痛,否则将有黄绿色阴道分泌物。

  • I feel like to urinate often .

    我常常会有 尿

  • Night urination is different from frequent urination frequent urination is going to the toilet often night urination if the urge to go toilet to urinate while sleeping .

    夜尿不同于频尿,频尿是频频上厕所,夜尿是半夜睡眠时,频频感觉得需要如厕 小便

  • Every morning at7:00 sharp I urinate .

    每天早晨我7点突然的 小便

  • I didn 't trick myself from my chair with promises of coffee and despite the tonic I had no need to urinate .

    我没有受到咖啡的诱惑而离开座位,而且尽管我喝了杯汤力宁水,现在也没有任何 尿

  • As the victim continues to lose control of his bodily functions he will involuntarily vomit defecate and urinate .

    随着受害者继续丧失对其身体功能的控制,会无意识地呕吐、通便及 排尿

  • Do you urinate in the morning ? asked the doctor .

    你早上有上 厕所 小便吗? 医生问他。

  • Normally you can sleep six to eight hours without having to urinate but certain medical conditions or drinking too much water before bed can wake you to use the bathroom at night .

    一般说来睡眠六到八小时是无需 小便的,但某种病症或是睡前多喝水则会使你起夜了。

  • At the time Beijing marathon organizers said that runners had no reason to urinate so freely .

    当时,北京马拉松赛的组织者表示,参赛者没有理由这样 随地 小便

  • Although I feel I have to urinate it takes a long time before anything actually comes out .

    尽管想 小便,但真正排尿的话,要花许多时间。

  • OAB is characterized by feelings of urgency to urinate with or without incontinence and is usually accompanied by increased urination frequency and nocturia ( excessive urination at night ) .

    OAB定义为 尿急伴有或无尿失禁,常有尿频和夜尿(夜间排尿次数增多)。

  • This is a very casual way of telling someone that you need to urinate .

    我想 小解。这是一种较为随意的方式,告诉别人你想 小便

  • In the most highly caffeine group caffeine was particularly related to urge incontinence a type where leakage happens after a sudden strong urge to urinate .

    在大部分高咖啡因组中,咖啡因跟急迫性尿失禁尤其有关,这是一阵突然强烈要 小便的欲望,然后就 出来了。

  • Drinking too many fluids at night can cause you to awaken frequently to urinate .

    喝得太多会导致晚上因为 尿 而经常醒来。

  • May I use your lavatory I 'm bursting ! ie I need to urinate urgently .

    我可以用用你们的厕所吗&我 实在 了。