According to the theory of the value of labor force of Marx improving the living standard of the poor in rural areas is the most urgent and important task of our country in order to realize long-term stability of the society and the lasting prosperity of the country .
依据马克思劳动力价值学说的基本原理, 抓紧调整提高农村贫困人口标准,改进扶贫工作机制,对我国的 长治久安和建设和谐社会的大局有利。
There is an urgent need of change in order to limit their risk exposure while still duly support regional infrastructure development .
如何合理转变,在 保证市政基础设施建设的同时合理控制地方财政风险,是一个 亟待 解决的问题。
Rapid economic development today the talent in the community need to be more urgent in order to train in different areas of outstanding talent .
经济迅速发展的今天,社会对人才的需要更加 迫切, 要 想 为不同领域培养出优秀的人才。
As the rapid development of Internet / Intranet technique Internet information increases dramatically . How to evaluate the quality and value of Internet information resource becomes an urgent task in order to use it more effective .
随着Internet/Intranet相关技术的迅猛发展,网上信息量迅速增长, 为了有效利用网络信息资源,如何对网络信息资源的质量与价值评价研究越来越成为一个 迫切的课题。
As a historical problem the harmonious development of regional economy is also an urgent one to be solved in order to comprehensively build a fairly well-off society .
区域经济济协调发展问题是一个历史问题,也是全面建设小康社会 需要 迫切 解决的问题之一。
As we are in urgent need of the goods under Order No.112 please see to it that the delivery is made within the contracted time ; any delay ( in shipment ) will involve us in difficulties .
我们 急需第112号 订单下的货,务请在合同规定期间装运,因为任何耽误会使我们陷入困境。
It 's urgent to innovate ideally in tourism planning in order to meet the needs of tourism development and make tourism planning develope scientifically legally and with standardization .
为了适应我国旅游业的发展,为了我国旅游规划工作能够沿着科学化、法制化、规范化的轨道前进,旅游规划的编制 迫切 需要理念的创新。
The condition of environment in China is becoming worse and worse along with high-speed and sustaining growth of economy . It is urgent for China to develop environmental-protection industry in order to fight against environmental pollution improve environment and promote sustainable development .
随着经济持续高速增长,中国的环境状况日益严峻,发展 以防治环境污染、改善生态环境、促进可持续发展为目的的环保产业,已 成为 当务之急。
With safety becoming increasingly urgent in order to ensure safe operation of bridge it is necessary to evaluate on the safety of engaged bridges .
随着钢管混凝土拱桥安全问题的日益 突出, 为了确保桥梁的运营安全,必须对其服役状态下的安全性进行评估。
This series of questions makes the placement of external space of the community becomes a very urgent in order to better guide future placement outside the community space design .
这一系列的问题使得安置社区的外部空间研究显得十分 迫切, 以更好指导今后安置社区外部空间设计。
At present the buckling or settlement of tank bottom plate are the major factors impacting the metering accuracy therefore a corresponding metering method is extremely urgent need in order to revise the current standard .
目前影响罐容量计量精度的主要因素是罐底板的升降变动,因此,必须研究出相应的测量方法 予以修正。
All aspects in the production process become significant and urgent to manufacturing enterprises in order to improve monitoring and management .
制造企业 迫切的需要知道生产制造中的每一个环节, 以便对生产过程进行监控和管理。
Understanding the mechanism of high temperature tolerance in cotton and breeding programs for screening high temperature-tolerant cotton germplasm and cultivars are urgent at present in order to stabilize and increase yield in the current and future warmer weather conditions .
因而, 为适应当前和将来变暖的气候条件,稳定并提高棉花产量,了解棉花对高温逆境的耐性机制,筛选耐高温棉花种质资源并选育耐高温棉花品种已是 当务之急。
The CIO establishment meets the urgent need in China in order to solve the lack of system and management in the process of building the government information system .
我国 迫切需要建立政府CIO制度, 以解决政府信息化建设过程中的制度缺失、管理缺失问题。
As a rule we deliver the goods within seven day but in the case of urgent order we can deliver them within four day .
按照惯例,我们在 收到 订单后七日内交货,对于 急件,可在四日内交货。
Thereupon the study of its firing effectiveness and combat application becomes an urgent task in order to make full use of the combat effectiveness of the system .
为了充分发挥该系统的作战效能,使其尽快形成战斗力,对其射击效能、作战使用的研究也就成为一项 紧迫的任务。
This mouse movements but very quick to focus urgent deft on hand in order to get him mouse control .
这只老鼠的动作可是非常敏捷的,要 眼急手快 才能抓住他,鼠标控制。
The development of new technologies used for high efficient extraction of non-traditional ores which include low grade ore tailings and drosses etc. is an urgent target in order to solve the shortage problem of strategic non-ferrous metal resources in china .
立足于解决国内紧缺战略有色金属矿产资源高效利用的难题,开发适合低品位矿、尾矿等非传统矿物的技术和工艺流程是我国有色冶金工业发展的 重要方向。
With the increase of the investment of the Yangtze River in the twelfth five-year plan period the research on new multi-functional river-to-sea ships becomes extremely urgent in order to further release potential of the Yangtze River .
随着十二五期间国家对长江干支流投入的加大, 为了进一步释放长江的运能潜力,新一代多用途江海直达船的研发 迫在眉睫。
As a latecomer Chinese firms are more urgent to conduct asset-seeking FDI in order to catch up with the incumbent global giants . However there has been a lack of research attention in the area .
作为后来者,中国公司更加 迫切 地需要更多的战略资产,尽快跟上当今的世界巨头。
It is an urgent task to establish ecological civilization in order to establish a harmonious society and realize a coordinated development in economic society .
建设生态文明已成为 落实科学发展观、构建和谐社会、实现经济社会环境协调发展的 迫切任务。
As the industrial environment is not very good it requires a high portability of data extraction . The demand for embedded USB-Host system is urgent in order to achieve on-site data extraction and post-analysis .
由于工业现场条件有限,对数据转储便携性的要求高,从而实现嵌入式USB主机系统的需求非常 迫切。 以 便于实现现场数据的提取与后期分析。
It has become an urgent need to solve the problem in order to make good use of cost-sharing theory promoting the cause of higher education in China orderly a.
如何运用好成本分担理论促进我国高等教育事业和谐有序 地发展, 最大限度地保障教育的公平和社会的公正,已经成为 当前高等教育在发展过程中 迫切需要解决的问题。
An Urgent Matter in order to Maintain Security in Northeast Asia & How to Stop the Dangerous Games in the DPRK 's Nuclear Crisis
维护东北亚安全的 当务之急&制止朝核问题上的危险博弈
Quickening reform of CFMS Constructing operation mechanism of forestry and realizing innovation of CFMS are essential and urgent in order to developing county forestry .
为了发展县域林业,加快县级林业管理体制改革,建立林业良性运行机制,实现县级林业管理体制有效创新是必要的和 紧迫的。
It 's necessary and urgent to make a unified evidence law in order to guarantee the impartiality of judicature as well as to realize running the country according to law .
因此制定统一的证据法 ,是保证司法公正的 迫切 需要,是实现依法治国的必然要求。
It is urgent to take the efficient tactics . In order to proving education result both teachers and students are required by that especially emphasize the further study and creativity ability of teachers .
现行 大纲对教师和学生都提出了新的要求,特别强调教师继续学习的能力和创新能力。
The problem of fault line detection for single-phase-to-earth fault becomes more and more prominent and it is urgent to resolve this problem thoroughly in order to meet the requirements of distribution automation .
随着人们对配电网自动化水平要求的提高,小电流接 地故障自动选线问题更加突出, 迫切 需要从根本上予以解决。
Therefore it is more urgent to set up CF in order to improve the efficiency of accounting standards and standardize accounting practice .
因此, 为提高我国会计准则的质量, 以进一步规范会计实务,财务会计概念框架的制订 迫在眉睫。
With China joining WTO Chinese pharmaceutical industry is facing challenge arising from globalized economy . It 's an urgent task to develop Chinese pharmaceutical industry in order to meet this severe challenge .
随着中国加入WTO,中国药业正面临全球经济的挑战 ,如何面对这个严峻的挑战,发展壮大中国药业是 摆在 我们 面前 的 迫切任务。
美[ˈɚdʒənt ˈɔrdɚ]英[ˈə:dʒənt ˈɔ:də]