urgent cable

[ˈɚdʒənt ˈkebəl][ˈə:dʒənt ˈkeibl]

[法] 加急电加急电报

  • How to control the lifeline & the strands of the long-span bridges in the bridge construction period and the corrosion problems of the strands have become more and more urgent . The key to solve this problem is the density of the cable grouted ducts .

    如何在桥梁建设期内控制好大跨度桥梁的生命线&预应力钢绞线的防腐问题已经成为 刻不容缓要解决的问题,此问题的关键就是要解决 预应力管道灌浆密实性。

  • The operating performance of the power cables directly related to the safe and stable operation of the power system . When cable faults occur it is urgent to use the cable tester to locate the exact fault point rapidly avoiding serious economic losses .

    电力电缆性能的优劣直接关系到电网的运行状况,当电力电缆发生故障时,利用 电缆检测仪快速定位故障点并恢复供电,可以避免严重的经济损失,具有 重要的实际意义。