If the content is loaded into the page using JavaScript they have no access to that content at all even in its unsorted state .
如果内容通过JavaScript加载到页面,这些用户根本访问不到内容,即便在 没有 排序的状态。
The Object List view now shows an unsorted list of tables .
ObjectList视图现在显示 无序的表列表。
A quantum computer allows for more efficient solution of some problems for instance the unsorted database search problem and the prime-factorization problem .
量子计算机可以更有效的解决某些问题,比如:对 无序数据库的搜索问题和大数质分解问题。
Unmanned post offices meant millions of letters went unsorted .
邮局无人工作意味着许多信件无人 分拣。
The Application of Grover 's Algorithm in Finding Minimum in an Unsorted Database
Grover量子算法在搜索 无序数据库最小值中的应用
The problem of searching for a specific item in an unsorted database can be solved with certain quantum algorithm for example Grover quantum algorithm and Br ü schweiler quantum algorithm .
对于在 无序数据库中进行搜索这类问题,可以用量子算法,如Br櫣schweiler量子搜索算法来解决。
Research and Implementation of Unsorted Block Image File System
非 排序块映像文件系统 ( UBIFS )的研究与实现
The program sorts an array of10 numbers and uses the external C library functions puts and printf to print out the entire contents of the unsorted and sorted array .
这个程序对包含10个数字的数组进行排序,并使用外部C库函数 puts和printf输出 未排序数组和已排序数组的完整内容。
It provides faster directory lookup insertion and deletion capabilities when compared to traditional unsorted directory organizations .
与传统 无序的目录组织比较,它提供更快的目录查找、插入和删除能力。
Unsorted this printout provided the basic display required for a useful return of information .
在 未 经 分类 的 情况下,此输出提供了有用的返回信息所需的基本显示。
The result of the Unsorted Multinomial Logistic Model identifies the housing affordability and the housing subsidy standard as the key factors to affect the housing choice of the civil servants .
采用 无序多元Logistic选择模型确定住房支付能力和住房补贴政策作为影响公务员住房选择的关键指标。
Write an index_function that will generate a key that can be used for sorting each element of the unsorted list .
编写一个indexfunction生成一个键,该键用于对 未 排序列表的元素进行排序。
The template uses a Template Toolkit FOR loop to iterate over the images unsorted ( if you need sorting it 's better to have the Perl code do it outside the Template Toolkit environment ) .
模板使用了TemplateToolkitFOR循环来遍历 ( 未 分类的)照片(如果需要进行分类,最好在TemplateToolkit环境之外使用Perl代码完成这个操作)。
In principle it can exploit coherent quantum interference and entanglement to perform computations such as factoring large numbers or searching an unsorted database more rapidly than classical computers .
原则上,它能利用量子相干干涉方法以比传统计算机更快的速度进行诸如大数的因式分解、 未 排序数据库中的数据搜索等 工作2 w_1340。
Over the past couple of decades our computer filing systems have trained us to think in terms of folders but an alternative is to find old email by searching for it – or even just scroll through a big fat unsorted inbox .
过去20年里,我们的电脑存档系统一直在训练我们习惯使用文件夹,但找邮件的另一个方法是搜索&甚至直接 逐 页浏览 未 作 分类 的 收件箱。
Survival rate of post frozen-thawed embryos showed no difference between embryos produced by sorted sperm and unsorted sperm ( 70.93 % vs 73.2 % P > 0.05 ) .
分离和 未 分离精子生产胚胎冷冻&解冻后的存活率分别为 70.93%和73.2%,差异不显著(P>0.05)。
Embryos were freshly transplanted to recipient buffalos or cryopreserved . There were significant difference in cleavage rate ( 42.23 % vs 52.28 % ) and blastocyst rate ( 19.98 % vs 28.59 % ) between sorted and unsorted sperm ( P < 0.01 );
结果发现:分离精子和 未分离精子的分裂率(42.23%比52.28%)和囊胚率(19.98%比28.59%)之间差异均极显著(P<0.01);
The sequence ` ` AACEDGG ''has only one inversion ( E and D ) it is nearly sorted while the sequence ` ` ZWQM ''has6 inversions ( it is as unsorted as can be exactly the reverse of sorted ) .
序列“AACEDGG”逆序数为1(E与D)&近似排序,而序列 ``ZWQM''逆序数为6(它是已排序序列的反序)。
Our algorithm can be divided into two classes : sorted ICC algorithm and unsorted ICC algorithm .
IIC算法可以分为排序的和 未 排序的两种。
Influence of Defective Cocoons on Raw Silk Quality in Unsorted Cocoon Silk Reeling
统茧缫丝 时 次茧对生丝质量的影响