His attack on your shopping mall was unsanctioned and unwarranted .
他攻击购物中心的 事是没有 组织 也 未 经 允许的。
It found that many of its workers had unsanctioned servers under their desks .
它发现,许多员工的办公桌 下面 摆 着 未 经 批准的服务器。
Even the tropical island province of Hainan considered the capital of the sport in China has not been spared with three unsanctioned courses shut down according to the statement .
即使是作为中国体育之都的海南省也没能逃脱,有三 座 未 经 批准 的 高尔夫球场被关闭。
Crippling fines have been imposed on unsanctioned demonstrations .
未 经 批准的抗议活动 遭到了巨额罚款。
The arrest of Sergey aleynikov a former Goldman Sachs employee at the centre of a criminal case involving the unsanctioned downloading of sophisticated trading software codes has thrust the largely unglamorous world of computerised equity trading into the spotlight .
原高盛(goldmansachs)员工谢尔盖阿列尼科夫(sergey aleynikov)因涉嫌私自下载尖端交易软件代码而被捕,这成为一桩刑事案件的核心,令人们关注起大体上乏味无趣的计算机化股票交易问题。
These cadets were an unsanctioned group who policed the Corps of Cadets who committed dishonorable acts .
这些学员是一组 未 经 批准的、 指导那些有不光采行为学员的学员干部。