It was unsettling news .
这是一 个 使 人 不 安的消息。
Now however even minor problems are triggering unsettling doubts and questions about the wisdom of plans .
但是现在,即使小问题也 招来人们对你智慧的怀疑与质问。
It was an unsettling show . There was a hallucinatory feel from the start
这是场 让 人 心绪 不 宁的演出,一开始就有一种虚幻感。
We found something else rather unsettling .
我们还发现了一些更为 不 安的东西。
She admits that it has been unsettling moving from her comfortable New York existence to modern Beijing .
她承认:放弃纽约安逸的生活、来现代化的北京发展心里是 惴惴不安的。
One of the film 's many unsettling images is of a child playing with her father 's gun .
这部电影中许多 令人 不 安的形象之一是一个玩弄她父亲手枪的孩子。
The prospect of change of this kind has an unsettling effect on any organisation
这种变化的前景对任何组织都有 不 确定的影响 。
It shows just how unsettling Mr Obama can be .
这正表明奥巴马会 引起多大的 不 安。
Well we saw Hume leaving us with a rather unsettling picture of human nature .
我们看到休谟给我们留下了一幅关于人性 令人相当 不 安的画面。
It may also be troubled by unsettling questions about its level of pre-earthquake preparedness .
同时也会受到 令人 不 安的有关其震前准备工作水平的质疑的困扰。
But the unsettling reality is that we cannot be sure .
但 令人 不 安的现实是,我们无法肯定。
Unsettling as they were these transformations opened up a new world of opportunities .
尽管这些变化 令人 感到 不 安,但它们却带来了一个充满机会的新世界。
Something unsettling happened here in Amsterdam something I find disturbing .
一些 不 安发生在阿姆斯特丹,我觉得不安的一些事情。
The news had a very unsettling effect on us all .
这个消息令我们所有的 人都非常 不 安。
The hate only should be unsettling with you .
怨恨会 另你 不 安, 即使你 活在 另一个 世界。
Swift change is extremely uncomfortable and unsettling .
迅速的变化 使 人感到特别不舒服和 不 安。
The eurozone 's prestige could suffer further now that political turmoil in Greece is unsettling financial markets .
目前,希腊的政治动荡正在 扰乱金融市场,欧元区的声誉可能会因此进一步受损。
French people find this spontaneous phenomenon which no authority steers deeply unsettling .
法国人深深地 感到,全球化这个没有任何权威引导的自发现象 很 令人 不 安。
Even so this week 's brush with disaster contained two unsettling messages .
即使如此,这个星期的毛笔与灾害包含两个 令人 不 安的讯息。
All these changes are so unsettling .
这些变化都使 人 心神不定。
The most unsettling aspect of youth is the uncertainty you feel about your values goals and dreams .
年轻时最 令人 不 安的就是不清楚自己的价值、目标和梦想。
I found it all a bit unsettling but quickly became immersed in other things .
我开始觉得有点 不 安,但很快就被其他事情 转移了注意力。
But right now this news is proving particularly unsettling for investors for two particular reasons .
但眼下,这条消息之所以尤其 令投资者 感到 不 安,是出于以下两个特别的原因。
Another way is to ask which debt ' is the most unsettling for you the individual .
克莱顿说,另一个方法是自问哪笔债务是最 让你本人 心神不宁的。
His sense of humour was really unsettling .
他的幽默感确实令人 不 安。
Even calling Germany the dominant power in Europe would have sounded unsettling a few years ago .
即便在几年前,将德国称为欧洲的主导力量听起来还 令人 不 安。
Echoes of China today were clearly too unsettling for the censors .
反映了对于审查者来说,当代中国明显过于 不 稳定。
The president hoped that he had found this unsettling .
总统希望这样做能 让他感到 忐忑不安。