The experimental results also showed that graft copolymer was successfully prepared by the copolymerization of vinyl-containing polysiloxane ( PD4MATS ) and polyacrylates ( PA ) while the unsaturated double bond disappeared after the polymerization .
实验结果还表明含乙烯基官能团的有机硅氧烷 PD4MATS和丙烯酸酯反应后,有机硅氧烷分子成功接枝到丙烯酸酯大分子上, 形成以 化学 键 相连的接枝共聚物。
When ROMP of monomers occured the unsaturated carbon-carbon double bond could remain in the main chain of polymers constituting its unique microstructure such as trans / cis ratio of double bond and tacticity .
经开环易位聚合后的聚合物主链上仍保留 不 饱和的碳碳 双键,构成了其独特的微结构,如双键顺反比例及立构规整性等。
The unsaturated fatty acids whose carbon chains contain more than one double valence bond per molecule are called polyunsaturated fatty acids ( PUFA ) . The studies in and outside of China have demonstrated that PUFA can kill tumor cells in vitro .
含有两个或两个以上 双键的不 饱和脂肪酸为多不饱和脂肪酸(PUFA).国内外实验发现PUFA在体外能杀死肿瘤细胞。
However the divalent ions show only weak influences while hydrocarbon chain possesses one unsaturated bond in the fatty acid .
当碳氢链为具有一个 不 饱和 键的脂肪酸时,金属离子的影响较小。
But the NRL has poor oil resistance and compactness due to the unsaturated double bond . It is noted that even if a little of water soluble protein ( WSP ) in NRL might cause allergic reaction .
但天然橡胶中含有 不 饱和 双键,使其耐油性、致密性差,甚至其中的溢出水溶性蛋白引起人体过敏反应,由此限制了它的应用。
The density of unsaturated double bond ;
硫 硫 键的分 光 光度法测定(2) 不 饱和 双键的密度;
The modification of ( alkyl ) phenolic resins via epoxidation or with rosin petroleum resins and other organic compounds or polymers containing unsaturated double bond were discussed respectively mainly dealing with modification mechanism modification methods and their applications .
分别讨论了(烷基)酚醛树脂的环氧化改性、松香改性、石油树脂改性及其他含 不 饱和 键的化合物或聚合物改性,主要包括改性原理、改性方法及其应用情况。
The P orbit of Si atoms with unsaturated bond in the silicon nanocrystals mostly contributes to the absorption of visible light .
纳米Si粒中含 不 饱和 键的Si原子的P轨道对可见光区光的吸收有主要的贡献。
The copolymer with unsaturated bond functional groups and hydrophilic chain will be a novel biodegradable material .
这种聚合物的主链含有 不 饱和 双键和亲水性的链段,预计将成为一种新的生物可降解材料。
The type of cyanate ester resin ( CE ) and its modification by thermosetting thermoplastics rubber elastomer and unsaturated compound with double bond are reviewed .
综述氰酸酯树脂(CE)的种类及热固性树脂、热塑性树脂、橡胶弹性体、 含 不 饱和 双键化合物等对CE树脂的改性。
Results show that the number of chlorine substituents and position the methyl on carbochain ( & CH3 ) unsaturated carbon bond etc are all the factors affecting dechlorination rate of chlorinated hydrocarbons .
结果表明,氯代有机物中氯取代基数目、位置、碳链甲基(&CH3)、 不 饱和碳 键等,都能对氯代物脱氯速率产生重要影响。
The number as well as the position of the unsaturated double bond has put great effects on the fuel properties such as cetane number iodine value low temperature property and oxidation stability .
不 饱和 键的数目及位置对燃料特性参数CN、IV、低温流动性和氧化安定性等都具有重要的影响。
The thixotropic mechanism of unsaturated polyester resin was investigated and it was concluded that the thixotropy of unsaturated polyester resin was mainly determined by the force of hydrogen bond between the thixotropic agent and the unsaturated polyester resin .
本文探讨了不饱和聚酯树脂触变机理,认为 不 饱和聚酯树脂的触变性,主要是由触变剂与不饱和聚酯树脂间的 氢键力决定的。
The Influence of Unsaturated Double Bond on the Curing of UPR
不 饱和 双键对 不 饱和聚酯树脂固化行为的影响
The mechanism of this reaction might involve that compound 1 reacted with ethyl alcohol via the exchange ester route to form a three coordinated phosphorous compound which then added to the unsaturated bond .
此反应的机理为化合物1首先与乙醇进行酯交换形成三配位磷化合物,进而与 不 饱和 键加成。
Olefin ( or alkene ) Any unsaturated hydrocarbon containing one or more pairs of carbon atoms linked by a double bond ( see covalent bond saturation ) .
含有一对或多对由 双键连接的碳原子的一类 不 饱和烃。
Modification of the Hyperbranched Unsaturated Poly ( amide-ester ) by the Reaction of Double Bond
不 饱和超支化聚(酰胺-酯)中 双键的接枝改性
An unsaturated fatty acid whose carbon chain has more than one double or triple valence bond per molecule ; found chiefly in fish and corn and soybean oil and safflower oil .
碳链的分子均有多个二价或三价 键 的 不 饱和脂肪酸,主要存在于鱼、谷物、大豆油和红花油中。
The Songhuajiang and commercial humic acid have less aromatic structure and unsaturated double bond with larger molecular weight while the Yichun humic acid is to the contrary .
松花江腐殖酸和商品腐殖酸中的芳香结构、 不 饱和 双键的分子较少,分子质量较大,而伊春腐殖酸中芳香结构和 不 饱和 双键的分子较多,分子质量较低。
The organics with small molecular weight and unsaturated double bond content are always the main precursors of disinfection by-product which leads to the higher trihalomethane formation with the Yichun humic acid than the Songhuajiang and commercial humic acid after chlorine disinfection .
小分子质量和含 不 饱和 双键的有机物通常是消毒副产物的主要前体物,因而伊春腐殖酸加氯消毒后的三卤甲烷生成量比松花江腐殖酸和商品腐殖酸高。
There are a certain degree of unsaturated bond on clay minerals broken surfaces they will absorb polar water molecules and hydrated cations so that hydration occurs to form diffusion electric double layer and hydration layer in aqueous solution .
粘土矿物的破碎面上会有一定程度的 不 饱和 键,当它们被浸泡在水中时会吸附水分子和水合阳离子,发生水化作用,形成扩散双电层和水化层。
With the introduction of unsaturated double bond into the polysiloxane emulsion the enrichment of polysiloxane chains on the surface is suppressed because of the graft copolymerization of vinyl-containing siloxane and acrylates during the second stage of emulsion polymerization .
在有机硅氧烷乳液中引入 不 饱和 双键,则由于含乙烯基的有机硅分子在第二阶段聚合过程中与丙烯酸酯分子发生接枝共聚,导致有机硅氧烷链段在表面富集程度降低。
The insertion of an unsaturated molecule into a metal-ligand bond is a fundamental step for many metal-promoted transformations .
不 饱和分子插入金属&配体 键反应是许多金属促进的官能团转换反应的一个基本步骤。
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