Some of those scars are unsightly and have caused us deep regret .
那些伤疤是 如此 难看,让人深感懊悔。
How unsightly ! The bride is wolfing down her meal .
多么 难看!新娘在狼吞虎咽!
So while a good wash with soap and water is still a great idea overwashing might lead to some unpleasant symptoms not to mention inflamed and unsightly hands .
因此,尽管用香皂洗手是很好的做法,可是,过多的清洁也许会导致一些令人不悦的症状,更不用说发炎 难看的手了。
The marking on the wall was childish and unsightly .
墙上的记号幼稚而 难看。
Are there many unsightly pipes exterior and interior ? Do they bother you ? Are they a hazard ?
室内外有许多 暗 埋管道吗?它们对你有 否妨碍?它们的构成危险吗。
Annoying and definitely unsightly cold sores also called fever blisters or Herpes simplex are groups of painful fluid-filled blisters .
让人懊恼的和 不悦目的唇疱疹,也叫单纯疱疹,是成组的,让人疼痛的,充满液体的水泡。
Mary Phelps Jacob was looking for an alternative to the ubiquitous and sometimes unsightly corset .
玛丽菲尔普斯雅各布在寻找一种能替代无处不在、有时 很 不 雅观的紧身胸衣的东西。 completely contained within the PSP under normal usage and avoids any unsightly external modifications to your PSP .
完全地在正常的用法之下被包含在PSP里面而且避免任何的 不美观的针对你的 PSP的外部修正。
See what people are unsightly not just eye fatigue .
看什么都 碍眼的人,疲劳的不仅仅是眼睛。
No one likes to see warts on the body but it 's particularly worrying for women when these unsightly growths appear on the external genital area and then invade the vagina .
没有人喜欢身体上出现湿疣,而且这些出现于外生殖器区的 难看的(湿疣)生长然后侵入阴道尤其令妇女担心。
It is my least attractive feature this prejudice against the unsightly and it is based on a very wrong notion of what life is like for normal people .
这是我最没有吸引力的特征,这种对 难看人的偏见,建立在一个十分错误的观点上&对于寻常人来说生命是什么。
Unsightly contour was improved by removing more bone from crest posteriorly .
从髂嵴后方切除多余骨质后 难看的外形得以改善。
Cradle cap may be unsightly but it is a common usually harmless phase in many babies'development .
在婴儿的成长过程中,乳痂也许很 不 好看,但是确是一个常见的没有害处的阶段。
The only real problem with cellulite is that it is unsightly and makes you feel self conscious .
只有这样,才能真正的问题,脂肪是,它是 有碍 观瞻,使你感到自我意识。
At first glance these walls are just an unsightly mess of photographs .
第一眼看上去,这些墙壁只是 很 不 好看的一堆照片。
London 's unsightly suburban sprawl There are also five birth registries in the rural areas .
伦敦郊外 不 雅观的无 计 画扩展的地区 .此外,郊区也设有5间出生登记处。
Women who have had radiation to the armpit or lymph nodes removed to check for cancer can suffer lymphedema-a buildup of fluids that causes painful and unsightly swelling of the arms or hands .
那些腋下接受放射或移除淋巴结以检查癌症的妇女,可能会患上淋巴水肿&它阻塞了体液,会导致臂部和手部疼痛,并且产生 难看肿胀。
A grim and unsightly picture met his eye .
一幅可怕和 难看的情景映入他的眼帘。
Excuse me for starting with one of the most unsightly statues in the world but this is how it goes by height .
对不起,我对开始的一个最 难看的雕像在世界上,但这是它的推移高度。
Lighting from below is often used for unsightly creatures in movies or to create a frightening face when telling a scary story ( by holding a flashlight under the face ) .
点燃从下面是经常用来 难看的生物电影,或创建一个可怕的脸时,切记一个可怕的故事(通过操纵一个手电筒的面孔下面)。
To spruce up unsightly areas Columbus has committed to removing graffiti within two days of its appearance .
为了美化 难看领域,哥伦布一直致力于消除涂鸦两天内其外观。
Experts at KFC have examined the photograph and believe the unsightly organ was a chicken kidney .
肯德基的专家在查看过照片后认为这块 看起来 比较 恶心的内脏是鸡肾。
The Polish market in Berlin was considered unsightly and shut down .
柏林市内的波兰市场因为被认为 有碍 观瞻而关闭了。
It is unsightly and this can reflect on the efficiency of their work .
这是 非常 不 雅观,同时这也反映出他们的工作效率。
My mother has had unsightly varicose veins for years
我母亲多年来一直 患有 难看的静脉曲张。
Her room was an unsightly mess .
她的房间乱成一团, 很 不 雅观。
Brad Pitt 's unsightly beard led to speculation that the once'sexiest man alive'had lost his appeal .
布拉德-皮特长时间蓄起的 难看胡子一度让人们认为曾经最性感的男人消失了。
It 's unsightly to see food particles or grease on the rim of your glass .
玻璃杯沿上沾上食物颗粒或油渍是 很 不 雅观的。
Nothing can be as unsightly though as a pile of dirty clothes .
没有什么可以比一堆脏衣服 更加 难看了。
These produce unsightly conditions and in most cases are restricted by regulations .
这些产生 难看的条件,在大多数情况下都规定限制。