unprecedented rise

[ʌnˈprɛsɪˌdɛntɪd raɪz][ʌnˈpresɪˌdentɪd raiz]


  • With the development of society Tang has entered a period of unprecedented economic prosperity social class businessmen that followed the rapid rise in the social arena to play an increasingly important role .

    随着社会的发展,唐代进入了一个 前所未有的经济繁荣期。商人这一社会阶层也随之迅速 崛起,并在社会舞台上发挥着越来越重要的作用。

  • It would also drive the oil price up to unprecedented levels which would tie in with this new mega rise in commodity prices .

    所以油价的上涨将 达到 前所未有的水平,同时也使物价有一个比较大的 上涨 幅度

  • In1995 the yen shot to an unprecedented Y79.9 to the US dollar and appeared set to rise further shaking exporters'confidence in their ability to compete globally .

    1995年,日元兑美元汇率升至有史以来的最高点 &79.9比1,而且看来还会继续 上升,日元大幅升值动摇了日本出口商对其全球竞争能力的信心。

  • With the escalation of modern enterprises the unprecedented scale of transformation and expansion of business scientific management strict corporate governance an important position that will directly determine the efficiency of enterprises and the rise and fall .

    随着现代企业的不断升级、转型和业务规模的 空前扩展,科学的经营管理、严格的公司治理 提到了重要地位,将直接决定企业的效益和 兴衰

  • The unprecedented development of computer network technology has had great impact on the operation mode of business which leaded to the rise of electronic commerce .

    计算机网络技术的 飞速发展带来商业运行模式的深刻变革, 催生了电子商务。

  • In recent years the rising housing price has become an unprecedented hot issue . The rise of speculative investment of the real estate market results in the soaring housing prices .

    近年来,房价上涨成为人们 空前关注的热点问题,房地产市场投机性投资的 兴起,致使房价飞速上涨。

  • This is unprecedented because traditionally mining groups follow the price rise agreed by the first miner to complete the contracts .

    这种行为 史无前例,因为根据传统,矿业集团会按照第一家矿商确定的价格 涨幅签订合同。

  • The Harvard graduate highlighted his unprecedented rise to prominence with a 38-point performance in a win over the Lakers on Friday .

    这位哈佛毕业生在周五 尼克斯主场 迎战洛杉矶湖人队的比赛中,再次发挥出神迹的优秀表现,轰下了38分带领球队取得胜利。

  • Because artwork involved in the field of digital technology allowing unprecedented commercial illustration style form and rise to many new branches of the illustrations is a new change .

    由于数字技术介入插图领域,从而使得商业插图呈现 前所未有的风格、形式并 衍生出许多新的插图分支,是一次全新的变革。

  • How can the police counteract this unprecedented rise in crime ?

    警察如何对付这 空前的犯罪率 上升

  • Many viewers saw last year 's Rise of the Great Nations series as an unprecedented attempt to stimulate wider debate about how China should manage its own rise .

    许多观众认为,去年《大国崛起》系列片是一次 前所未有的尝试,旨在就中国应该如何应对自己国家的 崛起激发更广泛的辩论。

  • At present the studies of theory and practice of public affairs governance unprecedented enthusiastic . The rise of the research boom has its profound background and realistic root .

    当前,有关公共事务治理理论与实践的研究 空前热烈,这一研究热潮的 兴起有其深刻的制度背景和现实根源。

  • With the collapse of the Han Empire and the decline of central centralization and the Confucian belief human society and the spirit entered into an unprecedented free period at the same time in the economic field a large Chinese manor economy began to rise .

    伴随着汉帝国中央统一集权的崩溃和儒家信仰的衰落,人类社会和精神进入到一个 前所未有的自由时期,同时在经济领域大规模的庄园经济也开始 兴起

  • The latest figures show what it calls an unprecedented rise in activity since 2004 .

    最新数据显示,自2004年以来,交易活动正 出现其所谓的“ 空前 增长”。

  • Since the 90s of the 20th century as computer technology network technology space technology communications technology and the unprecedented popularity of the promotion making the rapid rise of information services and become the most potential industries in the 21st century .

    20世纪90年代以来,由于计算机技术、网络技术、空间技术、通信技术的发展以及 前所未有的推广普及,使得信息服务业迅猛 崛起,并成为21世纪最具潜力的产业。

  • In their simulation they assume that 10 percent of non-college-educated men of prime working age suddenly obtained a college degree or higher which would be an unprecedented rise in the proportion of the work force with advanced education .

    在他们的模拟实验中,他们假定处于黄金工作年龄的未受本科教育者中,有10%突然获得了本科或本科以上学历,这将导致高等学历劳动者所占比例出现 前所未有 提升

  • The development of globalization has led the cultural exchange of human society to an unprecedented scale and extent accelerated the combination of culture and diplomacy and promoted the rise and development of cultural diplomacy .

    全球化的发展使人类社会的文化交流达到了 前所未有的规模和程度,从而加速了文化与外交的结合,促成了文化外交的 兴起和发展。

  • The unprecedented measures restored confidence and liquidity without provoking a sharp rise in inflation .

    这些 前所未有的措施恢复了市场信心和流动性,同时没有引发通胀的急剧 上升