Marky 's gig was up however when new allegations of racism and homophobia hit the press at the same time as Wahlberg was tried for the unprovoked assault of a security guard .
然而,不久他的短期歌唱表演生涯就结束了。他的种族歧视及反同性恋主张同时遭到媒体的挞伐,同时他也涉嫌 无故 攻击一名保安人员。
The US should speak plainly to China but casting its policies as an unprovoked assault on the US economy is absurdly one-sided .
美国应与中国坦率对话,但是,断言中国的政策是对美国经济的不 宣 而战,则是荒谬、片面的 说辞。
美[ˌʌnprəˈvokt əˈsɔlt]英[ˌʌnprəˈvəʊkt əˈsɔ:lt]
[法] 无缘无故的打人,无正当理由的攻击