


  • My memory is circumstantial and unshaken .


  • Who you are is unattached and unshaken .

    谁您是是独立和 坚定的。

  • You-the unshaken trees ; I am the leaf that quivers .

    我是树叶震颤 停,你-一颗大树,永远 坚定。(拟植物)

  • In1959 after a series of failures of his prefabrication experiments Konrad Wachsmann wrote The Turning Point of Building as a manifesto of his unshaken belief in factory-made housing .

    1959年,在他的预制建筑实验遭受了一系列的挫折之后,瓦克斯曼撰写了《建筑的转折点》一书,此书是他对工业预制建筑永不 动摇信念的宣言。

  • He 's really unshaken by everything . he 's so long and he knows how to use his length . that 's the key ; he 's smart . he 's young but his knowledge of basketball is huge .

    “什么都 不能 动摇他。他个子 ,而且知道怎样利用自己的高度。密钥就在此。他太聪明了,如此年轻,却如此洞悉篮球的奥秘。”

  • Having refuted the Wise Old Man 's wrong view he went on digging every day unshaken in his conviction .

    愚公批驳了智 的错误思想, 动摇,每天挖 不止

  • He told me that as a result of having taken my course and practicing its exercises assiduously he was emotionally unshaken and it took him less than a day to bounce back .

    他告诉我他参加我的课程以及不懈努力地训练之后,他情感上很 坚定,而且用了不到一天的时间他就又振作起来了。

  • Xie Ao reduced to Dynasty in the street after the wandering life further contributed to the wandering lonely feeling but the poet still unshaken adhere to national integrity .

    谢翱在沦落为遗民之后的飘泊流浪生活,进一步助长了飘零孤独之情,但诗人始终 矢志不渝,坚守民族气节。

  • Before Mercds should die replied fernand with the accents of unshaken resolution I would die myself !

    “如果 美塞苔丝死了,”弗尔南多语气坚决地说,“那我也情愿死。”

  • We will train our hearts and bodies for a firm unshaken spirit . The process of cultivating spiritual intelligence begins in solitude and silence .

    我们要磨练身心, 养成 坚固 的精神。培养精神智商可从独处和静默开始。

  • He was unshaken in his belief that history would prove him right .


  • So far the government appears to be unshaken in its desire to buy the gas .

    到目前为止,该国政府似乎 没有 改变购买天然气的意愿。

  • Twelve years we have unshaken in hardware maintenance and related maintenance training computer maintenance industry in China enjoying high reputation .

    十二年来,我们 矢志不渝 从事硬件维修及相关的维修培训工作,在中国电脑维修界,享有极高的声誉。

  • Mona remains unshaken by her ordeal and is matter-of-fact about her courage .

    莫娜 为她经历的这场磨难所 ,对自己表现出的勇气也态度淡然。

  • Our Bodies were Strong as strong as our Faith unshaken like Mountains .

    我们强壮的体魄,有如我们强健的信念, 如山 不可动摇

  • Despite the pressure of economic downturn on public finances our resolve to invest in education is unshaken .

    虽然经济困难,公共财政 面临 重重压力,但我们投资教育的决心 丝毫 未变

  • A belief in spiritual as well as physical evolution has sustained me in an optimism still unshaken by cynics .

    精神和肉体都在进化,这一信仰使我十分乐观,愤世嫉俗者也 没有 动摇这种乐观主义。

  • God is the spiritual pillar of American civilization and the unshaken belief of Americans .

    上帝是美国文明 大厦的精神支柱,美国 民族 不可动摇的信仰。

  • I am the leaf that quivers You-the unshaken tree ;

    我是抖抖 颤颤的叶,你是大树永不

  • Do you have unshaken confidence in the lord ?

    你对神的 信仰 不是 坚定不移

  • The Western belief in the superiority of western models for all is unshaken .

    对于所有 来说西方模式优势的 新年 不能 动摇的。

  • He emerged with his faith in the capitalist system unshaken .

    他以其资本主义制度 不可动摇的信念出现 在世

  • We will train our hearts and bodies for a firm unshaken spirit .

    我们要磨练身心, 养成 坚固 的精神。

  • The payback from these as from splashier moves such as the investments in broadband and ITV remains uncertain but its chief executive is unshaken on the long-term vision .

    就像投资宽带和独立电视台等较引人注目的行动一样,上述成就的回报仍不确定,但公司首席执行官詹姆斯·默多克的长期目标仍非常 坚定

  • Even as a solid rock is unshaken by the wind so are the wise unshaken by praise or blame .

    就像 磐石 不会 摇动,有智慧的人不会被称赞或者责怪所动摇。