Refractory castable is unshaped refractory material that doesn 't need firing and features fluidness after adding water .
耐火浇注料是一种不需烧成,加水搅拌后具有较好流动性的 不 定型耐火材料。
Application of unshaped refractory to reheating furnace
加热炉 不 定形耐火材料应用技术
Development and application of unshaped refractories
不 定形耐火材料的发展和应用
It is an ideal material for unshaped refractory material the final products are used in open hearth furnace eletric furnace bottom and furnace 's lining tamping .
它是 制造 生产 不 定型耐火材料的理想原料,制品用于炼钢平炉,电炉炉底和捣打炉衬。
Now there are many problems of eco-tourism development in the protected areas such as unshaped exploitation and the scarce of efficient management supervision investment community involvement that must to be studied earnestly .
目前我国自然保护区生态旅游存在着 粗放开发、缺乏科学管理和有效监督机制、旅游投入不足以及当地社区参与少等诸多问题,需要对其开发和管理进行认真研究。
An Unshaped Climax of Film Production ( 1961.6-1963.12 )
一个未能成型的电影创新高潮( 1961.6-1963.12)
The results show that the size reduction fly ash which has lesser orbicular granule and granule surface is unshaped when the w / c is same it ′ s cement mortar fluidity is lesser .
研究结果表明,磨细粉煤灰圆珠状颗粒较少,且表面 较为 粗糙,在相同水胶比的条件下,其水泥胶砂流动度较小;
It is good raw materials to produce magnesia carbon bricks high-class basic bricks and unshaped refractory materials .
是生产镁碳砖、高级碱性砖和 不 定型耐火材料的优良原料。
The evaluating methods raw materials and their combinations properties and applications in different Blast Furnace of developed unshaped refractories for BF trough including castables and their precast shapes ramming mixes and gunning mixes are introduced .
介绍了高炉出铁 沟用 不 定形 耐火材料的评价方法、研制的铁沟料所用原料和应用 场合不同时的原料组合情况以及理化性能。
Development of new zirconia unshaped refractory
新型锆质 不 定形耐火材料的研制
Development and application of unshaped refractories for BF troughs
高炉出铁沟用 不 定形耐火材料的发展与应用
Change the unshaped management to efficiency integrated management .
五是要 从 粗放 型经营转变到 精干高效集约 型经营。
The DAPI staining also showed that the nucleus turned from uniform morphology to unshaped form and finally degraded into nuclear residues which spread in the clearance starch granules .
DAPI染色也表明,细胞核形态由规则变为 不 规则到 解体形成核残体分散于淀粉粒之间。
The paper introduced material characteristics design demand notice in operation applied field and using effects of unshaped heat insulation refractory pointed out that the refractory would be gradual applied widely in the field of industrial furnace .
介绍了隔热 不 定形耐火材料的原料、特点、结构设计要求、施工时注意事项及其应用领域和使用效果,指出了隔热 不 定形耐火材料在工业炉领域将得到日益广泛的应用。
The amoeboid phagocytes are unshaped which contains big nucleus many mitochondria and lysosome .
变形吞噬细胞形状不 定,能伸出 伪足,核较大,线粒体、溶酶体等细胞器丰富。
Small unshaped log residence of V-shaped wall cross section which is fit for manual-making on site can accelerate construction speed and has a good wall stability and seismic resistance .
不整形 圆木小住宅建筑的墙体断面构造形式采用V字形凹槽,适宜现场手工加工,加快了施工进度,墙体稳定性好,抗震能力强。
In the deceleration period the hydration products change from unshaped water-abundant gels to unshaped particles and the microstructure continues to evolution .
减速期阶段水化产物继续生长,由 不 定形富水的凝胶状转变为不定形的颗粒状,显微结构继续发展。
Development and Application of Unshaped Refractory for Gunning Repair of Lime Kiln Lining
采用 不 定形耐火材料喷补修复石灰窑炉衬的研制及应用
The Application of Unshaped Refractories in the Metallurgical Industry
国内 外 不 定形耐火材料在冶金工业的应用
Unshaped dual offset ellipsoidal beam antenna with high performance
非 赋形双偏置高性能椭圆波束天线
It is the excellent raw material for the brick making and the unshaped refractory material making .
是制砖、 不 定形耐火材料优质原料。