United Arab Emirates

[juˈnaɪtɪdˈærəbɪˈmɪrɪts, ˈɛmə-][ju:ˈnaɪtɪdˈærəbɪˈmɪərɪts, ˈemə-]


  • The other incident also involved being in transit this time in the United Arab Emirates .

    另一件事也涉及过境问题,但地点是在 阿联酋

  • Non-NATO Sweden and Jordan flew air patrols enforcing the no-fly zone while both Qatar and the United Arab Emirates joined strike sorties .

    非北约的国家瑞典和约旦派巡逻机来保证无人飞行地区的安全,卡塔尔和 阿拉伯 联合 酋长 也加入了攻击。

  • A city of eastern Arabia and capital of the United Arab Emirates .

    阿拉伯半岛东部的一个城市, 阿拉伯 联合 酋长 的首都。

  • By blaming others for its domestic ills Saudi Arabia undermines the long-term stability of the region risking more violence in Bahrain and Yemen as well as possibly in Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates where large Shia communities live .

    沙特将国内问题归咎于其他国家,这种做法损害了该地区的长期稳定,有可能让巴林和也门出现更多的暴力,也给科威特和 阿联酋带来危险后两个国家有很大的什叶派聚居区。

  • Then in September a different man called this time claiming to represent the United Arab Emirates government .

    后来到了9月,另一名男子打来电话,这一次是说他代表 阿联酋政府。

  • That must be shared with their financial backers especially in Lebanon Somalia and the United Arab Emirates .

    这些所得必将与他们经济上的幕后推手分赃,主要在黎巴嫩、索马里和 阿联酋

  • In 12 countries including Lesotho and the United Arab Emirates the literacy rate for women is actually higher than that for men .

    在莱索托和 阿联酋等12个国家,女性识字率实际上还高于男性。

  • India and the United Arab Emirates have been problem areas with mounting NPLs .

    印度和 阿联酋一直是问题地区,那里的不良贷款一直在增加。

  • The United Arab Emirates has also expressed interest in securing leases and the Egyptian government has held talks with Sudan .


  • The Netherlands the Russian Federation and United Arab Emirates have set up national committees on infection control .

    荷兰、俄罗斯联邦和 阿拉伯 联合 酋长 设立了感染控制全国委员会。

  • The United Arab Emirates or Saudi Arabia could roll up Nigeria and Russia .

    阿联酋或者沙特阿拉伯可以与尼日利亚和俄罗斯 合并

  • Three are Middle Eastern ones – the United Arab Emirates Kuwait and Saudi Arabia .

    其中三个是中东国家& 阿拉伯 联合 酋长 、科威特和沙特阿拉伯。

  • Three more countries –– Israel Romania and the United Arab Emirates –– offered comprehensive help to quit .

    另有三个国家&以色列、罗马尼亚和 阿拉伯 联合 酋长 ,对戒烟提供全面帮助。

  • He noticed positive changes in attitudes toward entrepreneurship in Jordan Lebanon the United Arab Emirates and Pakistan .

    他注意到约旦、黎巴嫩、 阿拉伯 联合 酋长 和巴基斯坦政府对创业的态度发生了积极的变化。

  • The capital of the United Arab Emirates was also seen as a strong US ally .

    作为 阿联酋的首都, 阿布扎比也被视为美国的一个强大盟友。

  • Some schools have set up offices or even campuses in areas of growing business such as Latin America and the United Arab Emirates .

    有些学校在拉丁美洲和 阿联酋等业务不断增长的地区设立了办事处,甚至是分校。

  • Iran and the United Arab Emirates discuss closer economic ties at the United Nations in New York .

    伊朗与 阿联酋在纽约联合国讨论更紧密的经贸关系。

  • The United Arab Emirates is a country consisting of seven emirates on the Persian gulf .

    阿拉伯 联合 酋长国包括位于波斯湾的七个酋长国。

  • But where is Switzerland ( not a member not invited ) or the United Arab Emirates ( ditto ) both important to global finance ?

    但瑞士(非G20成员国,也没有受到邀请)或 阿联酋(同上)哪儿去了呢?这两个国家对于国际金融都十分重要。

  • The Irish are unbeaten in a group that also includes Zimbabwe the Netherlands and the United Arab Emirates .

    爱尔兰队在本组中还未有过败绩,该组还包括津巴布韦队、荷兰队和 阿拉伯 联合 酋长

  • Confidence in Brazil and the United Arab Emirates is also poor with both markets losing 21 points .

    巴西和 阿联酋的消费者信心数据表现也很差,均下滑21点。

  • I would like to express my profound thanks to the government and people of the United Arab Emirates .

    我想表达我深深的谢意,感谢阿联酋政府,感谢 阿联酋人民。

  • Monetary unit in the United Arab Emirates .

    阿拉伯 联合 酋长 使用的货币单位。