Owing to the universal existence of buffer bedding formatted by cement powder adherence energy consumption is on a high level continuously .
由水泥粉体附着形成的过粉磨现象 普遍存在,导致 粉磨电耗居高不下。
In this paper we present an universal processor architecture for multi-channel packets encapsulation and forwarding combined with FPGA embedded memory blocks pipeline and multi-queue buffer mechanism which improvs the capability of short packets forwarding at wire-speed or burst flow transfer .
提出了一种 通用的多通道报文封装和转发的处理器结构,利用FP-GA内部存储资源,采用流水线和多队列 缓存 区相结合,显著提高了小报文线速转发和突发流量传输的性能。
美[ˌjunəˈvɚsəl ˈbʌfɚ]英[ˌju:niˈvə:səl ˈbʌfə]