universal property

[ˌjunəˈvɚsəl ˈprɑpəti][ˌju:niˈvə:səl ˈprɔpəti]


  • Simulative experiment shows that the whole system is convenient to operate high efficient easy to expand has better adaptability and universal property and establishes certain base for realizing control system design with many factors in greenhouse environment .

    通过模拟实验的验证,整个系统操作方便、容错能力强、效率高且容易扩展, 通用 、适用 都较强,为实现温室环境的多因素控制系统设计奠定了一定的技术基础。

  • Fuzzy systems have been widely applied to complex systems modeling prediction and control process . The theoretical basis of it lies in universal approximation property .

    模糊系统在复杂系统建模、预测和控制过程中已经得到广泛的应用,其理论基础是模糊系统 具有 逼近

  • The key techniques of hardware structure and software function design are discussed in detail . And the real-time property security and universal property of every scheme were compared by an instance . Therefore some effective designs for industrial remote control are provided .

    详细分析了各种方案的硬件结构、软件功能设计等关键技术,并通过实际应用比较了各种方案的实时性、安全性和 通用 ,为工业远程监控提供了多种可供选择的设计方案。

  • The concept direct products of BCI-Algebra by using the universal property is introduced and uniqueness and existence of direct products of BCI-Alegbra are also proved .


  • It has a universal property .

    它具有 性质

  • Firstly the paper approximately derives the information gain formulae to remove the logarithm operation and we derive the simplified heuristic function that is the same with several sorts and possesses universal property and universality .

    首先,本文通过近似值的方法,对ID3算法的属性选取标准进行简化,消除其中复杂的对数运算,最终得到适用于多类的、具有 通用 和一般性的启发式函数简化形式。

  • Here classes are the direct reflection to the running numbers and character of the tested electric motor the description ( input ) the character and different operation that is to realize the universal property of the electric motor .

    这里类是被测电机运行号数和特性的直接映射,对于类的属性描述(输入)和不同操作,即实现电机测试的 通用

  • Due to the description method of image feature lack of criterion the universal property of Content-based image retrieval system is poor . MPEG-7 has solved the problem of image description standard .

    由于图像特征的描述方法缺乏规范,基于内容图像检索系统的 通用 差,MPEG-7标准解决了对图像描述的标准问题。

  • Compared with normal radar echo data the data stored in standard has a lot of advantages such as the excellent universal property and great convenience in usage .

    标准化存储的雷达回波数据与普通的雷达回波数据相比具有方便使用、 通用 高等一系列的优点。

  • Meanwhile because of the universal property of management system the system modified slightly will be used in other areas that information management is needed .

    同时,由于 试题管理系统的 通用 ,本系统稍加修改就可以应用于其他需要信息管理的领域。

  • This die carrier is with convenient assembly universal purpose property suitable for gear billet closed forming .

    该模架组装方便,适用于齿轮坯闭式模锻,并且 具有 通用

  • The platform adopts flexible formula to design the statistics of the grades . The platform implements the universal property of the formula and the efficiency of the query .

    在设计平时分数统计时采用了灵活的公式方法,以牺牲磁盘空间为代价实现公式的 通用 和查询的高效性。

  • The present key problems of the simulation study are those : the numerical robustness of models universal property of models and the simulation of large-scale refrigeration plants .

    模型的数值健壮性、模型的 通用 以及大型机组的仿真是目前的热点问题。

  • Given the universal property of Principle C the effects of Principle C should also be found in other languages for example the Chinese language .

    而倘若约束C原则 具有 普遍 ,就应该作用于英语之外的其它语言,譬如汉语。

  • While the lab data management system is designed for the administrative level role such as the teacher to deal with the lab data so that the virtual lab can be operated smoothly and the universal property can be guaranteed .

    实验室数据管理系统主要针对教师级管理人员设计,以保证虚拟实验室的顺利运行,同时实现了系统的 通用 和可扩充性。

  • Responsibility way universal property responsibility and non-property responsibility two ways .

    责任方式 包括 财产责任和非财产责任两种方式。

  • The universal property and compatibility have been carefully considered in designing the data acquisition system . The system overcomes the inconvenience because of the companies ' own code standards and communication protocols and especially design a data acquisition card for sampling the signals of elevator status and fault directly .

    数据采集系统的设计充分考虑了设备的 通用 和兼容性,克服了因不同公司电梯信息代码标准和通讯协议不同而带来的不便,专门设计了数据采集卡,直接对电梯的运行状态进行采集。

  • The result shows that by using software interrupt mode this system insures the software modularization as well as enhances the universal property of the TCPB ( terminal control processor board ) board and thus saves the interrupt resources .

    分析结果表明:该系统利用软件中断方式既保证了软件的模化特性,又增强了 TCPB(终端控制板)的通用 ,节省了中断资源。

  • The system has good universal property and high automated degree which was used to test repair and diagnosis instruments .

    本系统的 通用 和自动化程度较高,可直接应用于飞机大气数据系统的测试、诊断和维修。

  • Based on the analysis of the error estimation formula it is pointed out that the rule number not the design parameters is the decisive factor for fuzzy systems to have universal approximation property . 2 .

    通过对误差估计式的分析,进而指出影响逼近精度的规则数和设计参数这两大方面因素中,规则数是模糊系统具有 逼近 的决定性因素。

  • The concept and the universal property of fractional semiring are given .

    给出了分式半环的概念和 性质

  • The main points include : ( 1 ) image-gestalt is an image in the gestalt sense which is a universal property existing in a literary text ;

    基本内容如下:(1)格式塔意象是文学作品作为一个整体概念上的意象,是 普遍存在于文学文本中的一种 特质

  • Piecewise linear functions and the Mean Value Theorem are used to prove that the model has the universal approximation property and give the sufficient condition .

    利用分片线性函数理论和中值定理,证明了该二叉树型分层模糊系统具有 通用逼近 ,并得到了该 通用逼近性的充分条件。

  • Owing to providing a database interface for electronic map the system has well open and universal property .

    由于本系统提供了电子地图数据库接口,因此具有很好的开放性和 通用

  • Theoretically any radio signal can be generated in this way i.e. the universal property .

    这种方式理论上可以建模任意无线通信发射信号,即本文所说的 通用

  • And the A / D sampling fitting method has the advantages of high measuring accuracy low hardware cost strong universal property and long measuring duration time which can measure the angular vibration signal and other signals simultaneously .

    其中的A/D采样拟合法具有测量精度高、硬件成本低、 通用 强和测量持续时间长等优点,并能实现角振动信号与其它信号的同步测量。

  • Considering batch production of the product in future the universal property flexibility and reliability design of the motor structure is provided .

    论文的研究成果为潜油电机的设计提供了参考,并考虑到今后产品的批量生产,提出了电机结构中的 通用 、适应性和可靠性的设计。