[计] 零地址指令

  • Zhang Zai 's doctrine of Qi thinking was a milestone in the history of Chinese philosophy while Nan Min was an individual philosophist in the history of South Korea .


  • Based upon the classic literature of Liao Zai Painted Skin is an adaptation of one of the stories that dwell on fox spirits .

    《画皮》改编 古典文学名著 聊斋 中的一个狐仙故事。

  • Cannot find matching data to replace . The Substitution Condition of Zhe for Zheng Zai and Its Motivation

    找不到符合条件的数据进行替换。着与正、 的替换条件及其理据

  • Mou 's interpretation not only proposes the necessity of reinvestigate the character of Zhang Zai 's philosophy but also seek some different possibility to interpret traditional intelligence .

    牟宗三对“太虚即气”的诠释不仅提出了重新理解张 哲学性质的必要,同时也启发我们寻找解读传统智慧的别种可能。

  • Zai Mei Bian the first track was inspired by the Kun Opera The Peony Pavilion a masterpiece by Yuan Dynasty dramatist Tang Xianzu .

    第一首歌《 梅边》的灵感来自元朝剧作家汤显祖的昆曲-《牡丹亭》。

  • and from there David went up and took cover in the safe place of En-gedi . The Schematic Design About Shang Zai No.2 Viaduct of Guangzhou to Wuzhou Highway

    大卫从那里上去,住在隐基底的山寨里。广 高速公路上 高架二桥方案设计

  • Yuan Zai who was born on July 6 probably needs her rest as her family is the biggest attraction at the zoo .

    出生于2013年6月, 一家成为动物园最大的吸引力。 这么多人观看, 宝宝可能很需要休息。

  • Little Yuan Zai was born to giant panda Yuan Yuan at Taipei City Zoo Taiwan last month .

    上个月,大熊猫 圆圆在台北市动物园产下了 小圆仔。

  • Guo Moruo analysed properly the idealistic and artistic value of Zai Sheng Yuan and made the textual research about extraction and encounter of Chen Duansheng .

    郭沫若对《再生缘》思想艺术价值,作出了精辟的分析,时 陈端生的家世、遭遇作了全面的考证。

  • Zai Na Yao Yuan De Di Fang is a remake of a Xinjiang folk song and in the song there is the Mongolian throat-singing technique hoomei a new attempt .

    《在那遥远的地方》是翻唱了新疆的民歌,里面还用到了蒙古族的喉音唱法“ 呼麦”,又是一个很有新意的尝试。

  • That is to say but can the family puts Zai from the back but can wife is healthy put Zai from the back .

    也就是说可能家庭就放 后面了,可能妻子、身体健康就放在后面了。

  • Study on Path Optimization of High Rack in Distribution Center The Schematic Design About Shang Zai No.2 Viaduct of Guangzhou to Wuzhou Highway

    配送中心高层货架拣选 作业优化研究广梧高速公路上 高架 二桥方案设计

  • Water from Snow Mountain & On the classical culture character of the poem Ping Zhi Suo Zai by Qin Zihao

    那雪山的水&论覃 子豪的《瓶之存在》一诗的古典文化品格

  • When Ah Mui came out in wedding gown Wah Zai was standing beside her all the time seemed to be the other half .

    阿梅在穿婚纱出场时, 华仔全程站在阿梅身旁,俨如是她的另一半。

  • Zhang Zai 's school of Guanzhong contains a rich doctrine of ecological philosophy .


  • We treasure the healthy growth of Zai Zai bright lively and lovely .

    我们的宝贝 仔仔健康成长,聪明伶俐,活泼可爱。

  • The chain link to other website appears in great quantities in website of one Zai be fallen by search engine especially the website that Quan depilates .

    在网站中大量出现链向其它网站的链接 尤其是被搜索引擎降权、拔毛的网站。

  • Zai Hao buguo means nothing could be better .


  • Audience Zai cinema Jiang is the electric picture that appreciation director presents not just and can have connected video to film the scanning of device in sharing photodrama feeling personally .

    观众 电影院将不仅仅是欣赏导演呈现的电影,而且可以通过视频拍摄装置的扫描,亲身参与电影剧情中。

  • The discussion about Zai Sheng Yuan is purely academic and Guo Moruo in this discussion showed his respect and adoration to Chen Yinke .

    有关《 再生 的研讨是一次纯粹的学术研讨,郭沫若在这次讨论中表达了对 陈寅倍的尊崇与敬意。

  • These business grow Jiang to strengthen the income source beyond inland of our Zai China further .

    这些业务发展将进一步加强我们 中国内地以外的收入来源。

  • Say I am here Tou is place of Zai that Ge OK not Tou ?

    说我在这里投了, 那个地方可以不投?

  • It a : Can pursue the old lover 's daughter make the old rival in love snort and stare in anger . ( the gentleman revenge decade not night ) Not as well quick Zai !

    其一:可追求老情人的女儿,使老情敌 胡子瞪眼,(君子报仇,十年不晚)。不亦快

  • A Brief Study of Zhang Zai s Cosmo-Ontology ; The old lady was increasingly fragile after her operation .

    太虚无形,气之本体&略论张 的宇宙 本体论及其 成因 意义那位老太太手术后身体越来越虚弱。

  • Acquisition Research on the Abstract Preposition Structures Zai X Shang / xia Based on Statistical Analysis of Chinese Corpus

    基于现代汉语 语料库统计的 抽象 意义的在X上/下的习得研究

  • To rejoice at calamity and be amused by misfortune Xing Zai Le Huo is the Chinese phrase for schadenfreude .


  • Insurance policy issue by insurance company main Zai Mingbao is the right between risk company and insurant compulsory relation it is the evidence that insurant has claim for compensation to insurance company .

    保险单由保险公司出具,主要 载明保险公司与被保险人之间的权利、义务关系,它是被保险人向保险公司进行索赔的凭证。

  • Zhang Zai s theory of human nature comprises both born nature and temperament .

    张载的人性论是由 天地 性”和 气质之性”两部分组成的。

  • Similarities and differences in Zhang zai 's universal love and mohist 's love and share

    浅析张 民胞物与”思想与墨家“兼爱”思想之异同

  • Yuan Yuan and her mate Tuan Tuan were gifted to Taiwan by China in late 2008 as a cross-Taiwan Strait gesture of goodwill and Yuan Zai is their first cub .

    圆圆和她的伴侣团团,在2008年末由中国大陆赠送给台湾,象征着对海峡两岸的良好祝愿。圆 是他们的第一个孩子。