unloading line


  • Design and implementation of soft-operation system for coal unloading line of power plant

    火电厂 煤生产 线软操作系统设计与实现

  • The Research Report on the Efficiency of TianJin Port Loading and Unloading Assembly Line

    天津港 装卸 生产 线 作业效率研究

  • Application of the PLC Automatic Loading and Unloading Line in Loading and Transportation of Gangue

    自动 装卸 线PLC控制在矸石装运中的应用

  • Safety technique for unloading construction on running line

    营业 线上 施工安全技术

  • Multi-purpose automatic unloading mechanism in aluminium material production line

    铝料生产 线多功能自动 装置

  • By the hysteresis curve can be seen that wall before cracking a very small hysteresis loading and unloading coincide basically was an oblique straight line approximation .

    由滞回曲线图可以看出,墙体开裂前,滞回面积极小,加载与 卸载基本上重合,近似呈一条斜 直线

  • A method of Temperature-Flow Mapping is presented for the concrete when the stress is on the unloading straight line and a method is provided for computing the strain tangent modulus the temperature tangent modulus and the time tangent modulus .

    提出混凝土 卸载段的映射温度流动途径,以及应变 切线模量、温度切线模量和时间切线模量的计算方法。

  • It 's become a national pastime we practice in the less savory corners of the Internet or while unloading our Aquafresh and baked Cheetos onto the check-out line conveyor belt .

    它已经成为全国的消遣我们实践香喷喷的越少,或互联网的角落、烤Aquafresh奇 卸载我们在退房 线输送带组成。

  • Research on Loading or Unloading Automatically Workpiece on Catenary Suspension Painting Line

    基于悬链 涂装 线自动上、 工件的研究

  • The application of PLC used in the system of the automatic loading and unloading line

    PLC在自动 装卸 线系统中的应用

  • Influence of Unloading Free Line Traps on the High-frequency Protection Channel Based on Graph Theory

    应用 图论分析阻波 拆除对高频保护通道影响

  • Through analysis of simulation results of various parameters a range of possible lengths for a stationing and unloading line is advanced

    经对不同参数的模拟结果分折,提出一组确定 线长度的取值范围

  • The third part has analyzed the typical loading and unloading equipment and the efficiency of the produce line on addition using the wooden bucket theory .

    第三章系统分析了典型 装卸机械的效率,运用木桶原理分析了 装卸 作业 线效率和系统效率。

  • This manipulator has already been used in the automatic feeding and unloading material device of the production line .

    该机械手已用于 高频 淬火生产 线的自动上下 装置中。

  • Upon unloading at any state in the deformation the strain does not retrace the loading curve but is reduced along an elastic unloading line . Generally speaking the curve can be divided hook small curve and big curve .

    在变形的任一阶段卸载时,应变都不按加载曲线返回,而是沿着弹性 卸载 曲线下降。一般来说,曲线从球的运行路线上又可分为:勾手、曲球和大曲球。

  • Commercial application of pressure build-up prevention technology in large crude oil unloading pipeline ship-to-shore pipe line

    大型原油 油管线新型防憋压技术的工业应用油船到岸的 装卸 管线

  • Introduced is a new automatic unloading system used in shell stamping production line for air conditionings of window type and some problems which deserve much attention in the design is also dealt with .

    介绍了窗式空调机外壳冲压生产 线上使用的一种新型自动 系统,并说明了该系统在设计时应注意的一些问题。

  • The Selection of the Control Schemes for the QINHUANGDAO Bulk Grain Unloading Line Project

    秦皇岛散粮 出口 线工程控制方案选择

  • Design for the unloading machine of convenient rice product line

    方便米饭生产 线 机组设计