


  • Acknowledgment of the US 's misdeeds and the expression of remorse or outrage over them are unpatriotic and strictly forbidden .

    感谢美国的罪行吧,表达懊悔或愤慨之情的都是 爱国的,并且被严禁。

  • Some of Mr. Suzuki 's young students were called unpatriotic for playing music during a national emergency .

    由于在国家 处于 非常 时刻演奏音乐,铃木镇一的一些年轻学生被说 爱国

  • In many countries for academics to challenge positive national data would be considered unpatriotic .

    在许多国家,学者如果质疑正面的国家数据,将被认为是 爱国的。

  • She also sought to dispel criticism from some Republicans that she is angry and unpatriotic saying she loves her country for the opportunities it has given her and Barack and many others .

    她还试图回击一些共和党人对她提出的批评,说她“很愤怒, 爱国”。她说,她热爱美国,因为她、奥巴马和其他许多人在美国得到了机会。

  • While dumping citizenship may seem unpatriotic or smack of tax avoidance to some critics tax lawyers blame the Byzantine complexity of American tax regulations .

    尽管放弃美国公民身份对一些批评者来说似乎 怎么 爱国或是有避税的嫌疑,但税务律师则指责美国税收条例过于复杂。

  • In an unpatriotic manner .

    没有 爱国 的方式。

  • Yet five years ago when England was bidding to host the 2018 World Cup the soccer authorities described British media investigations into FIFA corruption as unpatriotic .

    然而五年前英格兰竞逐2018年世界杯举办权的时候,这个足球权力机构称调查FIFA腐败 行径的英国媒体 爱国

  • Consumers who are ethnocentric believe that purchasing imported products is unpatriotic causes loss of jobs and hurts the domestic economy .

    消费者认为购买外国货是 爱国 行为,担心购买 外货会对本国民族产业带来威胁,损害自己、同胞和国家的经济利益,从而产生了不愿购买外国货的 倾向

  • Because it 's unpatriotic for a start .

    因为那是 没有 爱国 的开始。

  • The failure of our education system is unpatriotic .

    我们教育系统的失败也是 爱国

  • Not long ago overseas students were presented as unpatriotic and their host countries as brain plunderers ; now emigration is celebrated as a patriotic and modern act .

    不久前,海外学生还被称作缺乏 爱国 精神,其侨居国是人才掠夺者;现在,移民则被誉为爱国和现代行为。

  • Markets are neither patriotic nor unpatriotic and they never lie .

    市场既不会爱国,也不会 爱国,而且它们从不撒谎。

  • To drink it was unpatriotic .

    而喝茶是 爱国 表现

  • Damned ! You unpatriotic flunky get ready for your death !

    可恶,你这不顾民族 大义的小人,准备受死吧!

  • Those who argue for renewed primacy take for granted the American-ness of their ambition for surely only the unpatriotic among us will accept anything less than no.1 as a grand strategic objective .

    主张保持这一地位的人想当然地认为,他们的野心也是全体美国人的,不把成为世界第一作为美国宏伟战略目标的美国人肯定都是 爱国的。

  • A group of Labour MPs protested at the extravagance and Clement Attlee the Labour PM had to write to the palace to ask about the allegedly unpatriotic origins of the Lyons silk used in the wedding dress .

    一群工党下院议员对婚礼的铺张提出了抗议。时任首相的工党人士 克莱门特艾德礼(ClementAttlee)被迫致函白金汉宫,询问婚纱上使用的里昂丝绸&据称这些丝绸的来源有 爱国 主义 精神

  • Caroline : Lady Bathurst is redecorating her ballroom in the French style . A little unpatriotic don 't you think ?

    巴索斯夫人将她的舞厅重新装潢成法式风格。你不觉得这样会不太 爱国吗?

  • There were asked if it was patriotic or unpatriotic ?

    有问 这个 节目是否爱国的 问题