Secondly he said many people have a vested interest in protecting Chanel 's aura of unsullied chic .
其次是,很多已从香奈儿那里得到既得利益的人在试图保护香奈儿 清白时尚的光环。
Pictures in Poem Noble and Unsullied Aspiration & interpreting landscape pastoral poetry 《 Shan Ju Qiu Ming 》 by Wang Wei
诗中有画 心志 高洁&王维山水田园诗《山居秋暝》解读
I will follow the example of the Pink Lotus to be a man who rises unsullied from mud .
我愿效仿粉色莲花,做一个出 淤泥 而 不 染的人。
Her hair is blonde her legs are long and her face is pretty a perfect blank canvas unsullied by the wear of life .
金发、长腿,脸蛋漂亮,生活还像是个完美 无暇的空白画布。
It was the beginning of a day in june ; the deep blue sky unsullied by a cloud and teeming with brilliant light .
那是六月的一天清晨,深蓝的天空 洁净 无云,充满着灿烂的光辉。
She 's a girl of noble and unsullied character .
她是一个品格 高洁的姑娘。
With mundane wishes he shaped goddess like grace and unsullied fairy or a passionate and beautiful girl .
他以世俗化的愿望塑造的神女宛若 神界优雅 高洁的仙 姝,又 似 人间美丽多情的少女。
Two iron legions out of New Ghis trained and armed in the same fashion as Unsullied were encamped across the river to the north .
两个新吉斯来的像无 垢者一样武装、训练的钢铁军团则从南至北跨过河岸宿营。
Finally they came to a pair of huge iron doors with rusted hinges guarded by Unsullied .
最终他们来到一对被 无 垢 者守卫的有 修铁链 拴着的 巨型 铁门 前。
Thrice they passed Unsullied guards standing as if they had been carved from stone .
有三次他们路过 无 垢 者守卫,他们像石雕 般站立着。
Our planet unfortunately is running out of noble savages and unsullied landscaped ; except for the polar regions the frontiers are gone .
不幸的是,在我们的地球上,高尚的野蛮人和 未被 破坏 的 自然景色已越来越少;除了两极地区以外已经 没有 未 开发的土地了。
The unsullied and shining floor was paved with white mosaics .
If we do not change the overall business environment I am afraid it is a harsh criterion to require us to rise unsullied from mud .
如果我们总体的商业环境不改变,恐怕“ 出污泥 而 不 染”是一种苛责。
He 's a person of noble nature and unsullied character .
他是一个 品性 高洁的人。
Environmental groups push to preserve Antarctica as a world park the last unsullied continent .
环境保护团体竭力 主张把南极洲这块最后的 洁净大陆作为世界公园来保护。
Now unsullied from its tireless journey
而今,它在不倦的旅程中 依然 一尘不染
The third viewing it from the concept of assimilation personalizes Mei Flower as the noble and unsullied snow beauty with high personality .
三是从同化观念出发,把梅同化成 冰肌玉骨的霜雪美人,赋予梅花崇高的人格。
In unsullied damp brown circles of soft earth the roses bloomed serenely against the pink Mexican wall .
在 未 受 污染的圆形 花坛潮湿柔软的褐土上,映衬着粉色的墨西哥墙,玫瑰花安详地开放。
My feelings are profound for the rivers of China 's great north for the air water earth and the folkways of that vast and unsullied world .
我对那些北方大地上的河感情深重,对 那儿的空气水土和人民风俗,对那个 苍茫 淳朴的世界 一往情深。
He will do anything to keep it unsullied and save his fine reputation .
为了保持 家族 的 名誉 不 被 玷污,维持他的良好的名声,他什么都会做的。
Meereen has an army of Unsullied infantry the finest in the world .
弥林有着 无 垢 者军团,全世界最好的军团。
He 's an unsullied tax collector .
他是一位一 身 清白的税务员。
He smiled unsullied by doubt .
他虽 疑惑 但 还是笑了笑。
But I 'm the purist type who hates even the thought of leaving any detritus around and insists upon a clean install to a pure unsullied partition .
但是我是个纯化论者,不希望有任何碎片,坚持将系统安装到一个纯净的, 没有 任何 污点的分区。
His eye was so clear like an unsullied spring that I didn 't even have the heart to look into it to find more sadness .
他的眼神如一 潭 清澈的泉水,不 带 任何 污染,让人不忍心看到那样 清澈的眼神里有更多的凄凉。
Of course the ancients also referred to the phenomenon of rising unsullied from mud which show the impact of environments is also based on a person 's character and quality .
当然古人也提到了“ 出 淤泥 而 不 染”的现象,可见环境对 人的影响还要根据一个人的性格和素质而定。
She had the combined talents of toughness intellect experience and unsullied reputation
她 刚强果敢、才智超群、经验丰富,而且名声 没有 任何 污点。
If you 're not a kid though or if you want to keep your memories of the first ' Iron Man ' unsullied beware of the buzz and hubbub and the glowing reviews .
倘若你不是儿童,或者如果你想保留对第一部《钢铁侠 》 的 完美 印象,要小心那些炒作喧哗,以及 给予盛赞的 剧评。