unstructured language

[ʌnˈstrʌktʃəd ˈlæŋɡwɪdʒ][ʌnˈstrʌktʃəd ˈlæŋɡwidʒ]

[计] 非结构化语言

  • Web text mining deals with structure and unstructured data of the web to discover knowledge by use of data mining machine learning natural language processing information retrieval knowledge management .

    Web文本挖掘采用数据挖掘、机器学习、自然 语言处理、信息检索和知识管理等领域的技术来处理和分析 结构或 结构化的文本,从中提取有价值的知识。

  • Although some of the information is stored in a structured form a great deal of information is unstructured and written in natural language .

    尽管有一些信息是结构化存储的,但是大量的有价值的信息还是以 结构化自然 语言的形式存在的。

  • As complete and detailed clinical information resources of being produced and recorded during patients ' treatment structured electronic medical record also contains a large number of unstructured text information such as medical records of clinical manifestations recorded by natural language .

    作为病人在医疗机构历次就诊过程中产生和被记录的完整、详细的临床信息资源,结构化的电子病历中还包含有大量的 结构化文本信息,例如以自然 语言记录的临床表现等医疗记录。

  • Therefore we can know that the research object is unstructured tree text and the study goal is to extract knowledge involving natural language processing text mining and other related fields .

    明确了研究对象是 结构化的自由文本,研究目标是从 结构化 自由 文本中抽取知识,涉及了自然 语言处理和文本挖掘等领域的相关技术。

  • The main purpose of information extraction is to transform unstructured natural language text into semi-structured or structured data easy for people to obtain key information quickly and accurately .

    信息抽取的主要目的是将 结构化的自然 语言文本转化成半结构化或结构化的数据,方便人们准确、快速地获取关键信息。

  • The extraction of necessary information and knowledge from large-scale and unstructured text has become a research focus as well as a challenge in natural language processing .

    如何迅速、有效地从这些海量的、 结构化的文本中获取我们所需要的信息和知识已经成为自然 语言处理领域的一个研究热点。