The phenomenon of financial restraint has been existing in China . Any financial restraint be it witting or unwitting will increase the cost for reform and will hamper the development of China 's economy and finance .
引入金融深化理论,结合中国的改革开放,金融抑制现象一直存在,任何 有意无意的金融抑制,都加大了改革的成本,成为我国经济和金融快速发展的障碍。
So they created the Dark City to observe and manipulate the unwitting humans .
因此,他们创造了黑暗中的城市,去观察和操纵 不 知情的人。
An unwitting subject in an experiment .
这个实验中 不 知情 的 被试。
It is this unwitting interpretation of interpretation that interests de Man .
正是这个 未 被 意识 到的“阐释的阐释” 吸引了 德曼。
Because it is possible to do so much unwitting harm in medicine many medical interventions are now subjected to a randomised controlled trial .
由于在医学中有可能造成如此严重的 无意伤害,目前许多治疗都须经过随机对照试验(randomisedcontrolledtrial, RCT)。 1948 年, 奥斯汀 •
More and more health is the unwitting victim of policies made in the international systems that tie countries economies commerce and trade together .
在越来越多的情况中,卫生工作 不知不觉 地 成为把国家、经济、商业和贸易联系在一起的国际系统中所制定政策的受害者。
He added that he was in favor of legislation to help the unwitting heterosexual spouses .
他补充说他赞成立法来帮助那些 不 知情的异性恋配偶。
Secondary bullying is mostly unwitting bullying which people start exhibiting when there 's a serial bully in the department .
二级欺负几乎和 无 意识 欺负 相同,都是当部门出现了一个连环欺负者时,人们就开始会 做出 的 这样的表现。
I thought about the things that she had done without realizing that they were special . It is this unwitting interpretation of interpretation that interests de Man .
我想到她做过的,但未曾意识到其特殊性的事情。正是这个 未 被 意识 到的阐释的阐释 吸引了 德曼。
Vice President Joe Biden a top Obama surrogate said Tuesday that the middle class had been buried during the past four years a statement that Republicans immediately seized upon as an unwitting indictment of the Obama presidency .
副总统 乔拜登,奥巴马的最高代理人,周二说中产阶级在过去四年遭埋葬,这一说法马上被共和党人抓住说奥巴马总统任期内 经济 衰败。
Criminal gangs use a more sinister form of search engine optimisation duping Google and its rivals into serving as unwitting vehicles for delivering web surfers to malicious pages .
犯罪团伙利用一种更为险恶的搜索引擎优化(seo)方法,诱使谷歌及其它搜索公司 不知不觉 间 沦为 它们的工具,将访问者链接至恶意网页。
We 're unwitting victims of the system
我们都是该系统的 不知 情的受害者。
Other rumours suggested that the wily Mr Saleh sneaked aboard an aircraft under the noses of his unwitting Saudi hosts .
有谣言说 老谋深算的萨利赫背着沙特主人从其眼皮底下偷偷溜上飞机。
I found myself becoming an unwitting confessor to countless strangers Ms. Jamison wrote last month in The Guardian . I started to feel like confession could be the opposite of solipsism .
我发现自己 无意中对着无数陌生人忏悔了,贾米森上个月在《卫报》上发表文章说,我开始觉得忏悔可能是唯我论的反面。
Tasking collection amongst witting or unwitting social groups could be an expedient way of finding out what 's going on in some field of concern .
在有意或 无意的社会团体中收集情报可能是探究某些领域之究竟的便利方法。
China has found itself an unwitting participant in the drama unfolding in Iraq & though its economy may be less vulnerable than its neighbors ' to the crisis there .
中国已 被动地成为了伊拉克当前危机的 参与者,不过与一些亚洲邻国相比,中国经济受伊拉克危机的影响可能相对较小。
The children left their homes at dawn while their unwitting parents were apparently sleeping and took along Mika 's seven-year-old sister Anna-Lena as a witness to the wedding .
两人在清晨趁着 毫不知情的父母熟睡之际出发,还叫上了Mika七岁的姐姐Anna-Lena做他们的证婚人。
He could yet turn out to be its unwitting saviour .
然而,他很可能最终在 无意 间 成了 BBC的救星。
Pressure bullying or unwitting bullying is where the stress of the moment causes behaviour to deteriorate ;
压力欺负或 无 意识欺负是指当前的压力引起行为上变坏;
ALTHOUGH THE JURY is still deliberating the effects of wolves early evidence strongly suggests that the canids are unwitting restoration biologists .
虽然众人还在探究灰狼的影响,但初步证据仍强烈暗示犬科动物是「 无意 间复原环境的生物学家」。
' We need to make sure the federal government isn 't an unwitting accomplice to the theft of our own national secrets by providing foreign-controlled companies w_935 with multimillion-dollar government grants and loans ' he said in a statement .
斯特恩斯在声明中说,我们要确保的是,美国联邦政府不会通过向外资控股公司提供数百万美元的政府拨款和贷款,从而在 无意 间 成为盗窃本国国家机密的 帮凶。
Ms. Yamaguchi who settled in Japan in 1946 openly apologized for what she said had been her unwitting role as a propaganda tool during the war .
1946年,山口淑子在日本定居,公开就她在战争期间 无意中充当了宣传工具而道歉。
And a lot of unwitting are German the report that thinking really is Chinese Xinhua News Agency a lot of following stayed at the back of the article post .
而很多 不 知情的德国人真以为是中国新华社的报道,在文章后面留下了许多跟帖。
The ignorant remark jars discordantly upon the hyper-sensitive brain ; the King of Terrors is desecrated by that unwitting disrespect .
愚蠢的话嘈杂地刺激着过度敏感的头脑;恐惧之王被毫不聪明的 失敬 之词所亵渎。
Travellers are being quested have been questioned at the airports in an effort to tackle down vi detect unwitting virus carriescarriers .
所有旅客均需在机场接受问询以检查是否存在 不 知情的病毒携带者。
Leamas played an unwitting part in this operation .
利马斯 无意在这次行动中但当了一部分角色。
It had been an unwitting blunder on Blair 's part .
它曾是布莱尔的 无心 之失。
Otherwise you will be overly sensitive and will think too much of someone 's unwitting behavior .
否则,你会变得过份敏感,对别人 无意 中 的 一些行为可能会联想太多。