Hussein and his unreconciled supporters among Iraq 's Sunni minority there was an explosion of anger .
侯赛因先生及其逊尼派中 不 甘心的支持者们怒气爆发。
We parted unreconciled you remember and I shan 't forgive myself .
我们是 没有 和解就 分开了的,你记得吧,我不能饶恕我自己。
However I am unreconciled .
然而,我 不 甘心。
Hence in the event of a default by the bank causes any unreconciled shortfall in the money held in the pooled account then you may share proportionately in that shortfall .
因此,一旦 用来 存储 您的账户资金的银行 失职 而造成账户内任何 现金的损失,您需要在一定程度上按比例承担一部分损失。
Grew savage yet to human use unreconciled ;
人 不 可食用 的 野果仍 长在 荒郊;
And who can doubt watching so many middle-aged and older persons torturing themselves in the name of fitness that we are unreconciled to death more so perhaps than any generation in modern memory ?
况且看到如此多的中老年人在健身的名 以下 深受折磨,谁还会怀疑我们对死亡的 恐惧,远远超出了 以往任何一代呢?
The enemies are unreconciled to their defeat .
敌人并不 甘心失败。
The unreconciled position and incommensurable standpoint mean there is serious metaphysical crisis in ecological ethics itself .
这种 争论的不可 调和性及其观点的不可公度性,意味着生态伦理学自身发生了严重的形而上学危机。