
[veˈkeʃən, və-][vəˈkeɪʃn]

n.假期,休假[古] 空出,撤出,辞去


  • We must decide between going home and staying at school during this winter vacation .

    我们必须决定 寒假期间是回家还是留校。

  • Summer vacation will come by and by .


  • Every year my father would call a family powwow to discuss where we were going on vacation .

    每年我父亲都会召开一次家庭会议,讨论我们要去哪儿 度假

  • It is possible to vacation at some of the more expensive resorts if you go in the off-season

    如果在淡季出游,就有可能去一些价格较为昂贵的旅游胜地 度假

  • We went on vacation to Puerto Rico.

    我们去了波多黎各 度假

  • He was vacationing and couldn 't be reached for comment .

    他当时正在 度假,无法联系到他征求意见。

  • Our school begins summer vacation in July every year .

    我校每年七月 暑假

  • Myles vacationed in Jamaica

    迈尔斯 了牙买加 度假

  • Neff hitchhiked to New York during his Christmas vacation

    内夫在圣诞节 假期 搭顺风车去了纽约。

  • During his summer vacation he visited Russia


  • He was so anxious to return home that he had booked a train ticket before the vacation began .

    他回家心切,还没 暑假就买好了火车票。

  • During the past few years the government has staggered the summer vacation periods for students .

    在过去几年里,政府将学生 暑假的时间相互错开。

  • We 'll start another summer vacation when July comes .

    到了7月我们又 暑假了。

  • He goes travelling every summer vacation .

    每到 暑假他都要外出旅游。

  • The classes of our university closed for the summer vacation .

    我们大学停课 暑假

  • Where are you going for your vacation this summer ?

    今年夏天你去哪儿 度假

  • Who cares about some stupid vacation ?

    谁在乎什么愚蠢的 度假

  • When does your summer vacation begin ?

    你什么时候 暑假

  • The French get five to six weeks ' vacation a year .

    法国人每年有5到6周的 假期

  • Schools give a vacation from July 12 to September 1 .

    学校自7月12日到9月1日 放假

  • They planned a late summer vacation in Europe

    他们打算夏末 欧洲 度假

  • We had a happy and relaxed summer vacation .

    我们过了一个轻松愉快的 暑假

  • The long summer vacation is over .

    漫长的 暑假结束了。

  • He looked tanned and well rested after his vacation .


  • Did you have a lot of reading during the vacation ?


  • His plans to take his vacation early in August fit in with mine .

    他打算8月初 休假的计划正好与我符合。

  • We plan to visit the Grand Canyon on our vacation .

    我们打算 假期 到科罗拉多大峡谷玩。