vacuum technique

[ˈvækjuəm tɛkˈnik][ˈvækjuəm tekˈni:k]


  • The system deviation of the measurement results by using a DL 1500 thermal expansion instrument made by Japanese Vacuum Technique Corporation was analysed in this work .

    对日本 真空理工株式会社制造的 DL-1500热膨胀仪的测量结果的系统偏差进行了研究。

  • Based on an analysis of the mechanisms and characteristics of the vacuum drying and microwave drying techniques a new type of composite drying method the low-temperature vacuum drying technique with microwave is suggested .

    通过真空干燥、微波干燥的机理和特点的分析,提出了一种新的复合干燥技术- 真空微波低温干燥 技术

  • The application foreground in the aspect of using vacuum drying technique about the corn drying was discussed .

    探讨了 真空干燥 技术在玉米方面的应用前景。

  • New measures on vacuum technique calculate and design of the pitch impregnant system

    沥青浸渍系统 真空 技术计算及设计更新措施

  • Study on Extremely High Vacuum Technique in Japan

    日本的极高 真空 技术研究&访日考察报告

  • The up-grading and lowering cost of He-Ne laser tube are studied from the point of view vacuum technique that is vacuum preparing measurement and exhaustion .

    真空 技术的角度出发.围绕生产氦氖激光管的真空获得、测量及除气问题探讨如何提高质量及降低成本。

  • Introducing Vacuum Negative-pressure Technique and Reducing Coal Dust Problem in Fully Mechanized Caving Face

    引进 真空负压 技术降低综放面煤尘

  • Application of vacuum preloading technique to Shenzhen River regulation

    真空预压 技术在治理深圳河一期工程中的应用

  • With the development of high vacuum technique application and research on molecular distillation are carried out more and more deeply and widely .

    伴随着高 真空 技术的进步,人们对分子蒸馏技术的应用及研究越来越深入。

  • The generation and stable transport of electronic sheet beams comes within the scope of many subjects such as microwave electronics plasma electronics Electromagnetic Fields and Microwave Techniques vacuum technique materials science which is a complex fundamental utility research problem .

    带状电子注的产生和稳定传输涉及到微波电子学、等离子体电子学、电磁场与微波技术、 真空 技术、材料科学等学科,是一个综合性的应用基础研究问题。

  • Applying vacuum technique pulping process could improve pulp quality increase productivity and save alkali-recycling cost .

    真空 技术引入传统蒸煮工艺,可以改善纸浆性能、提高生产效率、降低碱回收成本。

  • Some users even wrote in that they wished their fathers had thought of this vacuum technique .

    有一些用户甚至写到:要是他们自己的老爸当年有想到过这 手艺就好了。

  • The dad 's vacuum technique also made a splash on social news site Reddit this week .

    这位老爸的 吸尘 扎头发 手艺本周也在社交新闻网站红迪网上引起了热议。

  • Application of vacuum drawing technique on wound of skin or parenchyma at earthquake

    封闭式 负压吸引 在地震伤创面治疗中的应用

  • Application of vacuum technique in greases manufacture technology

    真空 技术在润滑脂制备工艺中的应用

  • Surface Modification by Steam Treatment in Vacuum Technique

    真空水蒸汽表面改性处理 技术

  • Compared with the old vacuum technique it can increase by 0.011 MPa . Furthermore the stream consumption decreased and the producing capacity enhanced .

    应用结果表明,与传统的开放式水冷却 真空 技术相比,此高 真空组合 技术能使末效 真空 提高0.011MPa,从而进一步降低了蒸汽消耗,提高了生产能力。

  • Hydrogen transport macro-properties of the HR-1 stainless steel have been investigated using a vacuum degassing technique .

    本文 研究了氢在 HR-1不锈钢中热动力驱动的宏观迁移特性。

  • The results showed that the vacuum technique improved the adsorption rate of Cr_2O_3 in the chrome tanning and it reached to above 75 % .

    结果表明: 真空 技术在铬鞣中的应用提高了Cr2O3的吸收率,可达75%以上,减少了铬的排放量,降低了污染;

  • Adopting leading vacuum absorption technique it can remove the air produced during packing so that filing effect can better ensured .

    采用先进的 真空吸附 技术,可排除物料包装时的气体,提高填充效果;

  • Scientific Foundation of Vacuum Technique

    真空 技术的科学基础

  • Construction of reinforcing by plastic drainage board and vacuum precompression technique

    塑料排水板 真空预压地基加固 技术的施工

  • To make high quality of FED not only superior cathode but also matching fluorescent anode and advanced sealed vacuum technique are needed .

    要制造出高质量的场发射平板显示器件,不仅需要高性能的阴极,还需要与之相匹配的阳极荧光层以及先进的 器件封装 技术

  • Improvements of vacuum technique experiments

    真空 技术实验改革探索

  • Application of Vacuum Technique in the Refine Furnace ── Design and Selection of Vapour Jet Pump

    真空 技术在钢液精炼上的应用&关于水蒸汽喷射泵的设计和选择

  • Some application about vacuum infusion technique and its evident effect was introduced .

    本文还介绍了 真空浸渍 技术的某些生产应用及其显著成效。

  • Adopting vacuum absorption technique it is widely used in automatic quantitative packing of ultra-light and ultra-fine powder materials with poor fluidity and heavy air content .

    采用 真空吸附 技术,广泛应用于流动性差、含气量大的超轻超细的粉体物科的自动定量包装。

  • Research on making candied fruits with vacuum technique

    真空制脯 技术的研究

  • The vacuum grouting technique has advantages over that of conventional grouting .

    真空辅助压浆 技术克服了传统压浆 技术的缺点。