vacuum filtration

[ˈvækjuəm fɪlˈtreʃən][ˈvækjuəm filˈtreiʃən]


  • The technology combined flocculation with vacuum filtration was used to retrieve mycelium protein from the fermented refuse of glutamate .

    采用絮凝与 真空 过滤相结合的技术,回收谷氨酸发酵废醪菌渣蛋白。

  • The test probed that the chemical adjustment and vacuum filtration process were uaed to the regularity of dewater the petrochemical sludge by the experiment of sludge resistance and vane absorbent filtration .

    通过污泥比阻试验及叶片吸滤试验,探讨化学调理、 真空 过滤方法用于石油化工污泥脱水的规律。

  • High and steady extraction efficiency of black liquor from wheat straw pulp can be obtained by a two-stage extraction process using the extraction apparatus which combines vacuum filtration with press filtration .

    采用 真空 和挤压过滤两段组合式提取装置两次提取麦草浆黑液,能获得高且稳定的黑液提取率。

  • By evaluating filtration efficiency ( time and average rate ) turbidity and MCs concentration in different operating conditions the influences of mechanical action and physical / chemical effects on algal cell integrity were explicated and the operation conditions were also optimized for vacuum filtration .

    基于不同操作条件下过滤效率(过滤时间、平均滤速)、滤液浊度、MCs浓度的变化,明确了机械作用和理化作用对藻细胞完整性的具体影响,并据此对 过滤操作条件进行优化。

  • Analysis on function of surfactant in fine coal vacuum filtration

    表面活性剂对细粒煤 真空 过滤 脱水的作用

  • The operating procedures of Vacuum suction filtration distillation con - centration and drying and the effects of comprehensive application were also introduced .

    介绍了 真空 减压 抽滤、蒸馏、浓缩、干燥等综合应用的操作方法与使用效果。

  • High density of the samples with low solid content can be obtained by vacuum filtration processing .

    采用 抽滤 过程进行 脱水处理,能够在低固相分数的条件下获得较高致密度的样品。

  • Through the implementation of the vacuum filtration of transformer oil as well as the implementation body transformer vacuum oiling and other measures the transformers insulation level of oil-paper insulation system was improved effectively .

    通过对变压器油实施 真空 过滤以及对变压器本体实施真空注油等措施,可以有效地提高变压器整体油纸绝缘系统的绝缘水平。

  • Study on the Scale Formation Mechanism and Inhibiting Methods in the Vacuum Filtration System in the Production of Wet-process Phosphoric Acid

    湿法磷酸 真空 过滤系统管线结垢机理及阻垢方法研究

  • Graphene / silver nanowire was prepared and flexible hybrid electrode was fabricated by vacuum filtration .

    配置石墨烯/纳米银丝浆体,采用 真空 抽滤法制备柔性复合电极。

  • Abstract : using soy lecithin concentrates as raw material through ethanol extraction of pc fractionation of detoxin vacuum concentration deoil in acetone absorbents decoloration filtration concentration the soy lecithin rich in PC was obtained .

    文摘:以浓缩大豆磷脂为原料,用乙醇萃取富集卵磷脂馏分,经分离去毒、 真空浓缩、丙酮脱油、吸附脱色、 过滤、浓缩,得到大豆卵磷脂。

  • Vacuum Filter Cooperating With Composite Filtration aid Regenerate machine Oil Used in Testing Gear Pump

    复配助 协同 减压抽滤法再生齿轮泵检测机油

  • My Benson vacuum cleaner with its efficient micro filtration system cleans the rugs better than any I have used before and it keeps the dust and pollen out of the air .

    我们的Benson 吸尘器带有微型的高效 过滤系统,清扫地毯的效果比我用过的任何其他产品都要好得多,确保空气中没有灰尘。

  • Three separation methods namely direct vacuum freeze-drying filtration and centrifugation were investigated and compared .

    采用3种分离方法(直接 冷冻干燥法、 过滤 、离心法)收集产品,洗涤,真空冷冻干燥。

  • Experimental results showed that separation of tara residue was reasonable in the step before evaporation and hydrolysis and practical mode for separating tara residue was vacuum filtration by sieves .

    结果显示塔拉渣的最优分离时机为蒸水/水解步骤前,可以实施的分离方式为筛网 真空 抽滤

  • In the air and liquid filtration the requirement has become more and more higher for the filtration media technology . The process of vacuum plasma coating has special advantage for treating filtration media .

    在气体过滤和液体过滤中,过滤介质的技术要求越来越高, 真空等离子体表面涂层工艺对处理 过滤介质具有独特的优越性,符合技术要求。

  • With appropriate driving force ( higher vacuum ) algae containing sludge had higher filtration efficiency and stable MCs concentration and turbidity levels .

    在合适的推动力作用下(高 真空 ),含藻给水污泥 过滤效率较高且未增加滤液MCs浓度和浊度,应优先选择。

  • Methods of distilling yellow phosphor from phosphorous slurry in the world now including : Evaporating phosphorus medicaments absorption and vacuum filtration treatment treatment in the electric field absorption and separation method and so on .

    国内外泥磷处理提取黄磷方法主要有:蒸磷法、化学药剂法、 真空 法、电场处理法、吸附分离法等。

  • Sludge dewatering of vacuum filtration is mainly applied to dehydrate the sludge in primary setting tank and digestion tank .

    真空 过滤脱水用于初沉池和消化池污泥脱水;

  • The method of vacuum filtration could be used in the recovery of oil and regeneration of EG.

    真空 抽滤法可以用于油的回收及膨胀石墨的再生利用。

  • Effect of filtration aids on the vacuum filtration behavior of manganese ore concentrate slurries

    助滤剂对锰精矿 过滤性能的影响

  • A new method is introduced which is modified by dissolving the cord yarn by water bath to improve the evenness of melt temperature and by controlling suitable vacuum degree during the filtration . This method can keep the relative error lower than 1 % .

    新方法提出了用水浴加热法对帘线进行对流溶解,以改善溶样温度的均匀性,并在 抽滤过程中控制抽吸 真空度等措施,改进后的方法测试相对误差已小于1%。

  • It is reported that a vacuum filtration suction process is suitable for preparation of ceramic filter films . The uniform transition layer and separation layer of the ceramic fibers are obtained by controlling the concentration of the ceramic slurry filtration suction pressure and time .

    研究表明, 真空 抽滤 是制备陶瓷纤维膜较可行的成型工艺,通过合理控制陶瓷纤维料浆的浓度、成型时抽滤压力及 抽滤时间可以获得均匀的陶瓷纤维过渡层和分离膜层。

  • Widely used in chemical industry food building materials and other departments especially in a vacuum crystallization drying filtration evaporation and other processes in the more appropriate .

    广泛应用于化工,食品,建材等部门,特别是在 真空结晶,干燥, 过滤,蒸发等工艺过程中更为适宜。

  • After sampling the separation between coal ash and water is implemented by the measures of rapid centrifugation and vacuum filtration in order to prepare the specimen for testing .

    取样完成后,迅速通过离心、快速 密闭 过滤措施,实现灰与水的分离,从而终止体系中所发生的沉淀反应,制取清水样品供测试。

  • The whole vacuum manifolds filtration system includes : stainless steel manifolds three or six filter holders a joint flask and a vacuum source .

    建议:Suggestion整套 真空多联 过滤系统包括:不锈钢多联支架、三或六套换膜过滤器、集液瓶和真空气源。

  • Rotary vacuum filter is one of the most important facilities in PTA production but it has low filtration efficiency and large energy consumption in industrial application .

    转鼓式 真空过滤机为PTA生产工艺中的重要设备之一,但其在工业应用中存在 过滤效率较低,能耗较大的问题。

  • With double stage neutralization double stage flocculation settlement one stage vacuum filtration and one stage cooling the new process for treatment of waste water coming from the water scrubbing purification section realizes enclosed recycling and zero emission .

    采用两次中和、两次絮凝沉降、一次 真空 过滤、一次冷却降温工艺处理水洗净化的污水,实现了封闭循环,达到了零排放。

  • Vacuum Filtration Performance of the PTA Slurry and the Industrial Test

    PTA料浆 真空 过滤特性与工业试验研究