

[医] 牛痘

  • It was confirmed that the heat dry treatment at 80 ℃ for 72 hours is an effective inactivation method for lipid enveloped and non lipid enveloped virus such as VSV Sindbis and Polio ⅰ type vaccina virus .

    证实80℃,72h干热处理,对模拟脂包膜和非包膜病毒的 指示病毒VSV、Sindbis和 PolioI疫苗病毒, 均可有效的灭活作用。

  • Systemic and local mucosal immune responses were induced by HIV-1_ ( CN54 ) DNA vaccine intranasally administered into mice and then boosted with recombinant Vaccina Virus

    HIV-1( CN54)DNA疫苗滴鼻免疫小鼠诱发系统和黏膜免疫应答

  • Detection of antibody to vaccina virus in normal individuals

    正常人群 痘苗病毒抗体的测定

  • The effectiveness of virus inactivation in F ⅷ concentrate by heat dry treatment at 80 ℃ for 72 hours was observed taking VSV Sindbis and Polio ⅰ type vaccina virus as indicant virus .

    以水泡性口炎病毒(VSV)、Sindbis和 PolioI疫苗病毒为指示病毒,考察80℃,72h干热处理对FⅧ制剂中的病毒灭活效果。

  • Study on immunology of recombinant vaccina virus chimeric huge protein

    重组 痘苗病毒嵌合巨蛋白的免疫学研究

  • Experiment on the detection of immunity and protection induced by MDV-gB recombinant vaccina virus

    MDV-gB重组 痘苗病毒诱导的免疫保护性试验

  • The re - sults provide scientific basis for evaluating effectiveness of modern tuberculosis programme and modification of BCG vaccina - tion policy at different situation of tuberculous epidemiology .

    研究结果为评价现代结核病 控制 措施的效果及在不同结核病流行病学 条件 修订 卡介苗 接种政策提供科学依据。