


  • Thus Shylock is a usurer yet not a usurer in general ;

    例如,夏洛克是一个 高利贷 ,但又不是一个一般化的放高利贷者;

  • Among the audience there was a wealthy retired merchant who was somewhat of a usurer named M.Geborand who had amassed two millions in the manufacture of coarse cloth serges and woollen galloons .

    在当时的听众中,有个叫惹波兰先生的歇了业的商人,这人平时爱放高利贷,在制造 大布、哔叽、毛布和高呢帽时赚了五十万。

  • Through an analysis of the text of the merchant of venice the author assumes shylock is such a usurer that his soul had been distorted by the greed for money and his Jewish national consciousness had been weakened gradually .

    摘要通过对《威尼斯商人》文本的分析,我们认为夏洛克是一个被金钱贪欲扭曲、犹太民族意识渐趋淡化的 高利贷商人。

  • The usurer squeezed the poor people .

    高利贷 压榨穷人。

  • Shylock is the ruthless usurer in Shakespeare 's play The Merchant of Venice .

    夏洛克是莎士比亚戏剧《威尼斯商人》中残酷无情的 高利贷

  • The Way of Performance Features and Influence of Usurer 's Capital in Ming Dynasty

    试论明代 高利贷资本的活动方式、特点及影响

  • As he borrowed money from a usurer to gamble in casino and he lost all the money at last .

    他向 高利贷 借钱一赌场豪赌,终于失去所有金钱。

  • In capitalist society not only industrial capital owns the surplus value the laborers produce commercial capital bank capital and usurer 's capital also have their share in it .

    在资本主义社会,劳动者所创造的剩余价值,不仅仅由产业资本所独占, 还有商业资本、银行资本、 高利贷资本也要参与瓜分。

  • For a while he worked on the farm then taught monks then became a teacher in a primary school whose principal was a landlord and the local usurer .

    他种了一个时期的地,教过和尚识字,后来到一个小学任教,校长是个地主,也是当地的 债主

  • When if usurer cannot repay borrowing money the bank is about to pass legal order exercise its small sign counterpoises have the house dealing with processing earning is used repay loan .

    假如 贷款人不能偿还贷款时,银行就要通过法律程序行使它的低押权,将房屋进行处置,处理所得用来偿还贷款。

  • Why did gorgeous usurer nurture these fronds for your pleasure ?

    那位 喜欢 高利贷 为什么培育出这些蕨类植物让你来享乐?

  • He mortgaged his house to the usurer for & 30000 .

    他把房子抵押给 高利贷 借款3万镑。

  • If usurer break a contact the bank has authority to control a house .

    假如 贷款人违约,银行有权收 房屋。

  • Love an extremely exacting usurer .

    爱情是一个极端苛刻的 高利贷