vacuum purge

[ˈvækjuəm pɚdʒ][ˈvækjuəm pə:dʒ]


  • Evacuate the equipment and break vacuum with an inert gas such as nitrogen . Purge with an inert gas if equipment design does not permit evacuation .

    对设备抽 真空,然后充入不活泼气体,如氮。如果设备不允许抽 真空,用不活泼气体来 净化

  • Two kinds of process of depleted brine dechlorination were introduced which were the process of air purge and vacuum dechlorination . After comparing it showed that the process of vacuum process was better than the air purge dechlorination .

    介绍了淡盐水空气吹徐脱氯工艺和真空脱氯工艺,通过对工艺的特点进行比较,认为 真空脱氯工艺优于空气 除脱氯工艺。