uranium sulfate

[jʊˈreniəm ˈsʌlˌfet][juəˈreinjəm ˈsʌlˌfeɪt]


  • The applicability for determination of uranium content by use of the chemical pure voso_4 in the ferrous sulfate reduction / potassium dichromate titrimetric method

    化学纯VOSO4对 硫酸亚铁还原/重铬酸钾滴定测 法的适用性研究

  • Column experimental study on restoration of polluted groundwater from in situ leaching uranium mining with Sulfate Reducing Bacteria STUDY AND PRACTICE OF IN-PLACE LEACHING OF LOW GRADE URANIUM ORE BODY

    硫酸盐还原菌治理地浸采 地下水的柱实验研究原地破碎浸出法开采低品位铀矿体的应用与实践

  • Influence of coexistent ions on microbial reduction of hexavalent uranium by sulfate reducing bacteria

    共存离子对 硫酸盐还原菌(SRB)还原 U(VI)的影响

  • Ore Processing : uranium processing copper refining aluminum sulfate production .

    矿石加工: 处理,铜精炼, 硫酸铝生产;