


  • Conclusion Ultrasonography can provide valuable reference for the diagnosis and treatment of urachus diseases .

    结论彩色超声检查可为 脐尿管疾病的诊断和治疗提供有价值的参考。

  • Results : 6 urachus in examples take care of the bag swollen 1 urachus tube the bag is swollen also infection 2 urachus tube fistula combine infection 1 urachus tube cancer .

    结果:6 中2例脐尿管囊肿,1例脐尿管囊肿并感染,2例脐尿管瘘并感染,1例脐尿管癌。

  • Methods 125 cases of umbilical diseases in children were reviewed . These were 2 umbilical bleeding 9 omphalitis 13 umbilical granuloma 85 anomalies of vitelline duct and urachus 14 umbilical hernia and 2 omphalocele .

    方法复习125例脐部疾病,包括脐出血2例,脐炎9例,脐肉芽肿13例,卵黄管与 脐尿管异常85例,脐疝14例;脐膨出2例。

  • Treating infected urachus guided by ultrasound : case report

    超声引导 介入治疗 脐尿管 畸形 感染 结石 1

  • Bladder prolapse through a patent urachus : fetal and neonatal features

    膀胱经 闭合 脐尿管脱垂:胎儿期和新生儿期特征

  • Cases of adenocarcinoma of bladder were treated from 1960 to 1993 . On pathological studies 25 were primary adenocarcinoma of bladder while the other 6 were of urachus origin .

    1960年 1 ~1993年1 收治膀胱腺癌 31例,经病理证实原发性膀胱腺癌25例, 脐尿管腺癌6例。

  • The purpose of the operation is to remove all the urachus and the abnormal tissues as completely as possible .

    手术范围 以尽可能彻底 切除 脐尿管及其异常组织为

  • Results Operation and pathology proved patent urachus in 4 patients urachal cyst in 5 urachal sinus in 1 and urachal carcinoma in 1 ( one patient left hospital on his own ) .

    结果手术及病理检查证实 脐尿管 4例,脐尿管囊肿5例,脐尿管窦1例,脐尿管癌1例,确诊后 自动出院1例。

  • CT diagnosis of urachus pathological changes


  • The value of colorful ultrasonography in the diagnosis of different types of urachus diseases

    彩色多普勒超声在不同类型 脐尿管疾病诊断中的价值