

n.空间空虚空虚,真空吸尘器(vacuum的复数)真空( vacuum的名词复数 )<口>真空吸尘器

  • On the 3 + 1 dimensional lattice gauge theory with massless fermions-a study on the tunnel effect between the θ vacua

    3+1维含无质量费米子的格点规范理论&θ 真空隧道效应的研究

  • The static atom in Unruh and Hartle-Hawking vacua would feel thermal radiation and the temperature it feels satisfies the Tolman relation .

    Unruh 真空 Hartle-Hawking 真空中的原子将感受到时空中的热辐射,原子感受到的温度满足Tolman关系。

  • These may completely change or do away with the landscape of string vacua or with the cascade of bubbles that populate the landscape .

    这些也许将完全改变或去除弦 真空 景,或者 放弃景上 集成瀑布般的泡泡。

  • The radiation spectrum for relativistic electron moving along curved spiral curve in plasmas is calculated and also the formula of total energy emitted by a relativistic electron in vacua is derived .

    从运动 粒子产生的流出 ,导出相对论电子和相对论电子 在等离子体及 真空 情况下曲率辐射的能量谱及辐射总能量,分析了等离子体对辐射的影响。

  • In measuring the photovoltage spectra at room temperature in different vacua it is found that the photovoltage of AlGaAs / GaAs multiple quantum wells is very sensitive to vacua .

    通过测量在不同 真空 中的室温光电压谱,发现AlGaAs/GaAs多量子阱的光电压对真空度很敏感。

  • Consequently as time goes on different vacua can come into existence .

    所以,随 时间的进行,不同的 真空 便 不断 诞生

  • Similarly only a small fraction of the stable vacua are hospitable to life .

    同样地,只有稳定 真空的一小部份才适合生命。