


  • Specimens were taken from the uterosacral ligaments and fibroblasts were cultured and purified .

    标本取自宫 韧带,以 1% 胶原酶 消化法进行 韧带成纤维细胞的原代培养。

  • Shortening of uterosacral ligament

    子宫 骶骨韧带缩短

  • Results After 3 to 24 months ' observation in presacral neurectomy group rate of effectiveness was 95 % . While in uterosacral ligament amputation group rate of effectiveness was 67 % .

    结果两组病人术后观察3~24个月经 周期,中 随访时间为 10个月,其中骶前神经切断组有效率为95%, 韧带切断组效率为67%。

  • Laparoscopic suture uterosacral ligament hysteropexy for uterine prolapse

    腹腔镜下 子宫 骶骨韧带缩短固定术治疗子宫脱垂

  • It has many surgery approaches such as laparoscopic uterine suspension to round ligament laparoscopic sacral suture hysteropexy laparoscopic suture uterosacral ligament hysteropexy .

    出现多种术式变化,如腹腔镜下子宫圆韧带悬吊术、子宫骶骨岬固定术、 韧带缩短术等。

  • ( 4 ) pelvic edema : thickening of uterosacral ligaments haziness of pelvic fat and obscuration of the pelvic floor fascial planes .

    盆腔水肿: 子宫韧带增厚、盆腔脂肪和盆底筋膜模糊。

  • Outcomes with porcine graft placement in the anterior vaginal compartment in patients who undergo high vaginal uterosacral suspension and cystocele repair

    行经阴道 骶骨 韧带悬吊 及膀胱脱垂修补患者,阴道前壁植皮结局

  • Uterosacral Ligament Anatomy and Value of Clinic

    子宫 韧带的应用解剖及临床意义

  • The Expressions of Type ⅰ ⅲ Collagen in Uterosacral Ligaments in Women with Pelvic Organ Prolapse

    胶原蛋白ⅠⅢ在盆腔器官膨出患者 子宫 韧带中的表达

  • The mean standard deviation distance from ureter to uterosacral ligament was 0.8 ± 0.5 cm 2.4 ± 0.8 cm 4.0 ± 0.7 cm in the cervical intermediate and sacral portions of the uterosacral ligament respectively .

    子宫 韧带颈部、中间部、骶骨部分别距离输尿管的长度平均标准差为0.8±0.5cm、2.4±0.8cm、4.0±0.7cm。