[ˌju:ɑ:r'el][ˌju: ɑ:r ˈel]

abbr.Uniform Resource Locator 在Internet的WWW服务程序上用于指定信息位置的表示方法

  • It has two text elements to store URLs to the photo and the thumbnail .

    它有两个文本元素,分别存储照片和缩略图的 URL

  • It requires at least a URL a person and a tag table .

    它至少需要一个 URL、一个person和一个标记表。

  • As you create the URLs you can define human-readable names for them .

    您在创建 URL时,就可以为它们定义人类可读的名字了。

  • Click OK to confirm the default name and URL found in the site .

    单击OK以确认站点中找到的默认名和 URL

  • Acegi applies security to all URLs you map to Acegi 's filter chain proxy .

    Acegi将对映射到Acegi过滤器链代理上的所有 URL应用安全性。

  • You pass in the URL and a string naming the callback function .

    传递一个 URL和命名回调函数的字符串。

  • The third-party site retrieves the XML document and signature from variables in the URL .

    第三方从 URL的变量中检索XML文档和签名。

  • This is the property that will determine the web page URL to display in the window .

    该属性确定将要在窗口中显示的web页面 URL

  • Use this method for writing out URLs .

    应该使用此方法来写出 URL

  • Internet addresses are also known as URLs .

    网址也被称作 URL

  • Here we will just provide the general XML snippets and URLs that we interacted with .

    在这里,我们将只提供一般性XML片段和我们与之交互的 URL

  • QueryPath can begin with a filename or URL and load a document .

    QueryPath可以以一个文件名或 URL开始,然后装载一个文档。

  • It can be anything with a Web URL and representation not just a snippet of text .

    它可以是带一个Web URL和内容表示的任何东西,而不仅仅是文本片段。

  • Classes are stored and found in the cache using the URL classpath array .

    使用 URL类路径数组在缓存中存储和寻找类。

  • If you click the Endpoint link a pop-up dialog displays the URL for your deployed application .

    如果您点击Endpoint链接,一个弹出对话框将显示您所部署的应用程序的 URL

  • You can also try the same URL in a browser .

    您也可以在浏览器上尝试访问相同的 URL

  • Add the URL provider and URLs then save the client configuration .

    添加 URL提供程序和URL,然后保存客户端配置。

  • The URL must have the same domain name as the page .


  • The value defines roles for these URLs .

    其值定义了这些 URL的角色。

  • Note that with a successful upload you are redirecting to a URL that contains the user name .

    注意,对于成功的上传,您将被重定向到一个包含用户名的 URL

  • You will see an empty folder of URLs for the provider .

    您将看到提供程序的一个空 URL文件夹。

  • The URL for the Lonely Planet travel centre is http://www.lonelyplanet.com .

    “孤独星球旅游中心”的网址是 http://www.lonelyplanet.com

  • The latter URL simply adds credentials for login .

    后面的这个 URL简单地为登录添加了相应的凭据。

  • And you could now paste Notes URLs into chat windows .

    现在可以将Notes URL粘贴到聊天窗口中了。

  • In order to enumerate specific pages you need to specify each URL pattern in this file .

    要枚举特定页面,您需要在此文件中指定每个 URL模式。

  • This plug-in is meant to handle only one menu entry and one URL to be displayed .

    该插件只能处理一个菜单项和一个 URL的显示。

  • In a mature network a given tag may be connected to thousands of URLs and persons .

    在成熟的网络中,某个标记可能连接到上千个 URL和Person。

  • You must log in first to acquire a server URL and session ID.

    您必须首先进行登录来获取一个服务器 URL和会话ID。