vacuum leak

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  • According to the requirement of small satellite vacuum leak detection a set of vacuum leak detection equipment is developed .

    文章介绍了用于小卫星 真空 检漏而研制的一套真空检漏设备。

  • In this paper the performance of the airtightness for vacuum coating equipment the characteristics of leak detection with Helium Mass-spectrometer and the leak detection system are described .

    本文论述了 真空镀膜设备气密性的特点、氦质谱仪 检漏特点及其检漏系统,说明氦质谱仪检漏是检查 真空 镀膜 设备 漏气的最有效的方法。

  • The pictures show VTC-050 . Chamber vacuum gauge and leak valve are optional .

    箱、 真空计、 排泄阀(安装于箱)是可选件。

  • Vacuum vessel seal structure used in the leak test of a liquid rocket engine turbopump is discussed .

    论述了某型号液体火箭发动机涡轮泵高压低温静 密封 检漏试验用 真空室密封结构的设计问题。

  • The calibration apparatus of comparison leak rate method is a metrology standard apparatus for gas leak rate . The vacuum leak can be calibrated with the absolute comparison method and the relative comparison method .

    比对法漏率校准装置是计量气体漏率的一种装置,可绝对法和相对法对 真空 漏孔进行校准。

  • Application of quadrupole mass spectrometer in vacuum leak detection

    四极质谱计在 真空 检漏中的应用

  • The paper describes in detail the hardware network of the vacuum leak test system and the data acquisition software .

    文章详细介绍了 真空 检漏设备数据采集系统硬件网络的构建以及软件的开发。

  • It is Introduced the principle and method of vacuum leak age detection of the special equipment in the semiconductor production and the experience on solving practice problems with the method .

    本文介绍了半导体制造专用设备的 真空 检漏的原理、方法,以及用该方法解决实际问题的一些实践经验。

  • Research on Freeze Drying Plant Lay plate of Both Vacuum Leak Detection Technology

    冻干机搁板双 真空 检漏技术的研究

  • The presented evaluation method may provide a reference for evaluating the uncertainty about the total leak rate method of spacecraft and vacuum leak testing method .

    该评价方法可以为航天器的总漏率测试法和 真空 检漏法的不确定度评定提供一定的参考依据。

  • The problems of the vacuum and its leak check are studied .

    微小 间隙 真空以及 真空 检漏等应注意的问题进行探讨。

  • Study on method of calibrating vacuum leak with constant conductance method

    固定流导法校准 真空 漏孔方法研究

  • Design and optimization of vacuum chamber for leak detection of ITER conductor

    ITER导体 检漏 真空室的设计与优化

  • If the refrigerant system fails to reach the specified vacuum the system has a leak that must be correcteSee Refrigerant System Leaks in this group .

    如果冷媒系统失效未能达到指定的 真空,系统存在必须修理的 泄漏。请参阅本单元冷媒系统泄漏。

  • Vacuum Leak age Detection of the Special Equipment in the Semiconductor Production

    半导体制造专用设备的 真空 检漏

  • The Study of Superlong Delay and Holding Time Characteristics of The Detectable Gas through Vacuum Mixing Leak

    真空混合 漏孔气体的延迟和保持特性研究

  • A sniffer with a vacuum cover-helium leak detector set was developed for pressured vessels detection and some vacuum pumping sets suitable for pumping huge water vapor were developed also .

    对压力容器检漏,开发了真空罩吸枪-氦质谱检漏系统,还研制了适于抽除大量水汽的 检漏 真空机组。

  • The vacuum leak and outgassing rate can be inspected iteratively with combining computer technique and this method has applied successfully on the HL-1M tokamak .

    结合计算机技术能对装置运行 状态 放率进行巡回检测,并成功地应用于HL-1M装置。

  • Summary on reason of aluminum alloy panel radiator by vacuum brazing leak out

    铝合金板式换热器 真空钎焊 泄漏原因分析

  • The Development of the Vacuum Leak Detection Equipment for Small Satellite

    小卫星 真空 检漏设备研制

  • The spectra excited in a Penning ionization gauge can be used for quick monitoring the pressure in a vacuum system and for leak detection .

    它利用检测潘宁放电光谱作为一种快速诊断 真空系统质量及 检漏的手段。

  • If the vacuum drops within approx.30 seconds there is a leak in the coolant circuit .

    如果在大约30秒内 真空值下降,则表明冷却液回路中存在 泄漏

  • The Alcatel Vacuum Technology product-range includes vacuum pumps leak detectors vacuum gauges plasma sensors valves flanges and fitting .

    阿尔卡特真空技术的产品包括 真空泵, 检漏仪,真空计,等离子传感器,阀门,法兰及其配件。

  • And we found out that the major causes of vacuum leak lied in a leakage in the low-pressure explosion-proof door a bigger low-pressure vapor seal radial clearance and the low tightness of the cylinder .

    分析发现低压防爆门泄漏、低压汽封径向间隙偏大及汽缸严密性能差是造成汽轮机 真空系统 空的主要原因。

  • This paper describes the structure performance and sealing mechanism of feed-in device of rotary shaft vacuum seal by using a new magnetic material magnetic fluid as sealing medium and gives the measured data of the vacuum and the leak rate .

    本文介绍了用新型磁性材料&磁液作密封体的旋转轴真空密封馈入装置的结构、性能、密封机制,并给出了有关 真空 泄漏率的测试数据。

  • If the vacuum drops fix the leak in the system .

    如果 真空降低,请修复该装置中的 泄漏

  • According to the gas dynamics and the technique of quadruple mass spectrometry ( QMS ) a method for measuring large device vacuum leak rate is put forward .

    根据质谱分析技术和气体动力学方程,提出了一种用质谱测量法对大型 真空装置 率的测试方法。

  • A Research of the Causes of the Vacuum Leak in Steam Turbine and of Measures of Improvement

    汽轮机 真空 系统 空原因及提高严密性的措施

  • The Data Acquisition System of Vacuum Leak Equipment

    真空 检漏设备数据采集系统的实现

  • Application of oil-free vacuum leak detection system in space environment simulation test

    无油 真空 检漏系统在空间环境模拟试验中的应用