vacuum melting furnace

[电] 真空熔炉

  • Aluminium-lithium alloys were melted and cast in the type ZG-25 vacuum medium frequency induction melting furnace .

    在ZG-25型中频感应 真空 中进行了铝-锂合金的 熔炼与铸锭。

  • A vacuum induction melting furnace with tri-chambers has developed to suit the high needs of the quality and production of engine vanes .

    为适应我国的发动机叶片的高质量和高速度生产的要求,开发了 三室 真空定向结晶

  • Optimal control of melting stage process in vacuum induction melting furnace

    真空感应 熔化期工艺优化控制

  • An ingot of Nb based in-situ composites ( NBISC ) was produced by a vacuum self-consuming arc melting furnace . The directionally solidified samples were prepared by an electron beam floating zone melting ( EBFZM ) furnace with a high temperature gradient and their microstructural characteristics were analyzed .

    铌基共晶自生复合材料( NBISC)经 真空自耗电弧 熔炼成母合金锭,采用高温度梯度的电子束区熔装置制备定向凝固的试样,分析其组织特征。

  • High purity ( C + N < × 10 - 6 ) Fe-14Cr % and Fe-18 % Cr alloys were prepared using a high vacuum inducting melting furnace .

    利用高 真空感应 熔炼制备高纯(C+N<100×10-6)Fe-14%Cr和Fe-18%Cr合金。

  • Three Dimensional Numerical Simulation in an Electric Vacuum Glass Melting Furnace

    真空玻璃 三维数学模型研究

  • Based on the APF method and advanced corrosion resistant alloys available now six schemes ( APF from 2.5 to 3.3 ) were designed for versatile Ni-base corrosion resistant alloys which were prepared by using vacuum induction melting and manual electro-arc furnace with a good result .

    依据百分因子(APF)法,参考现今先进耐蚀合金,预设计了6种APF介于2.5~3.3的通用性镍基耐蚀合金成分.应用 真空感应 和手工电弧 熔炼合金获得了良好的效果。

  • This paper introduces the construction and composition of 10L vacuum induction melting furnace bottom pour-ing and points out some problems during adjusting . It is a reference when designing the same type furnace .

    介绍了10L下铸式 真空感应 熔炼 的结构及组成,指出了安装和热负荷试车过程中存在的问题及解决方法,设计同类电炉时可作为参考。

  • The Clamp Adding Materials of Model QJ-A Applied to Vacuum Melting Furnace

    QJ-A型真空加料卡具在 真空 熔炼 上的应用

  • Fully autocontrol system of vacuum induction melting and casting furnace

    真空感应 熔铸 全自动控制

  • Research on Experiment-based Math Model and Control System of Vacuum Consumable Electrode Melting Furnace

    真空自耗 实验数学模型与控制系统的研究

  • The principles method of the analysis structure and character of gas chromatographic instrument for vacuum melting furnace with high frequency are introduced and analysed in this paper .

    本文对高频 真空 熔融气相色谱分析仪的测试原理、方法、结构、特点等方面进行了介绍和分析。

  • Thermal shock test in vacuum was done under modelling melting conditions the coating could resistant to one time thermal shock in vacuum furnace and was in integrity .

    在模拟 熔炼条件下,对涂层进行了 真空热震试验,涂层均能经受一次 真空热震而涂层完好。

  • Construction characteristics and applications of ZGL-0.1 model multipurpose vacuum induction melting furnace are described in detail .

    详细介绍了ZGL-0.1多功能 真空感应 熔炼 的结构、性能、特点及其用途。

  • Factors affecting the smelting of high nitrogen steel in vacuum induction melting furnace

    真空感应 冶炼高氮钢的影响因素