[计] 用户需求语言

  • University Resources Planning ( URP ) Systems are the main realize form of digital campus .

    大学资源计划( University Resources PlanningURP)系统是数字化校园的主要实现形式。

  • Chapter II describes the definition of URP and its real estate and analyzes the relationship between them . Then induce the basic content of the real estate of URP such as characteristics business principles marketing strategy business model and financing programs .

    第二章阐述 大学 科技 及其房地产的含义和相互关系,进而总结大学科技园房地产的特性,经营原则,市场战略、经营模式、筹融资方案等基础性内容。

  • The Analyse and Design of URP Platform based on Web Service

    基于Web服务的 URP 公共平台分析与设计

  • Coinciding with the unique function of the URP its real estate related activities in development and operation management ( DOM ) are different from other ones .

    配合 大学 科技 独特的功能 定位,其房地产建设运营管理,也具有不同于其它房地产类型的独特之处。

  • To enhance technology innovating capacity of supply chain based on knowledge management among collaborative enterprises this paper analyzed characteristics of knowledge management and put forward enterprise knowledge portal as a tool that can integrate inside and outside resources .

    为更好地基于协同企业的知识管理提高供应链的技术 创新能力,在对 URP 时代知识管理特点进行分析的基础上,提出用企业知识门户EKP作为协同企业整合内外资源的使能工具。

  • Because URP is a systematically overall and huge systems engineering this paper mainly describes implementation of URP in the Dianchi college based on the college teaching management information system .

    由于 URP是一个系统的、整体的、庞大的系统工程,本文主要以滇池学院的教务管理信息系统为具体研究对象,进一步阐述URP在独立学院中的实际应用。

  • In contrast due to the low molecular weight of urP we calculated the band gap of urP and this band gap is larger than that of rrP about 1.82 eV .

    相比之下,由于 urP的分子量较低,得到的带隙比rrP的带隙要大,为1.82eV。

  • This paper will impel the research on how the new management thoughts used in enterprise management system and URP system .

    本文对于促进最新的管理思想如何应用于企业管理系统以及 完善 URP 理论体系和企业管理 信息系统的 集成一定的借鉴 作用

  • The real estate related business activities is one of the essential works of URP .

    与房地产相关的经营活动,是 大学 科技 的重要基础工作。

  • Research on Dynamic Workflow Technology and Its Application in University Resource Planning

    动态工作流技术及其在大学资源计划( URP)中的应用

  • The processing network distribution resources have became an essential function in the URP system .


  • In this paper the new concept of University Resource Plan ( URP ) is proposed which has been inspired by Enter-prise Resource Plan ( ERP ) .

    在这篇文章中,我们提出 URP(大学资源计划)的 思想。URP是受到ERP的影响而提出的。