urban telephone

[ˈɚbən ˈtɛləˌfon][ˈə:bən ˈtelifəun]


  • System dynamics for coordinate developing of urban telephone versus national economy


  • For every 100 urban residents there are 39 telephones on average and telephone service covers 80 percent of the administrative villages . A Comparison of Suprasegmental Changes between Leizhou Dialect and Putonghua

    城市电话普及率为每百人39部, 电话的行政村比例达80%。黎话与普通话语流音变比较研究及其推普策略

  • The essentials of the colour polyolefine masterbatch with high concentration ( 1 ∶ 100 ) for urban telephone cables are presented .

    介绍了 市话电缆用高浓缩比(1∶100)聚烯烃色母粒的基本情况。

  • Research of Wireless urban telephone system

    无线 市话系统的研究

  • The network became fully operational last spring ; it covers EPB 's full service area roughly 170 homes and businesses in urban suburban and rural areas and it delivers video and telephone service as well .

    去年春天,这套网络才完全投入使用;它覆盖了 EPB公司所有的服务区域,包括 城市,郊区和乡村近17万所商、民用住房。

  • Dangerous Effect of Transmission Line on Urban Telephone Cable and its Prevention

    送电线路对 市话电缆线路的危险影响及防护

  • Under the background of already gradually saturated in urban and not getting the valid development with the rural market about public telephone full developing the rural telecommunication market may become a focus that each telecommunication enterprise will considerate .

    城市的公用 电话已日趋饱和和农村市场未能得到有效开发背景下,充分开发农村电信市场可能成为各电信企业考虑的焦点。

  • Application Technology of Cheap to Bring About Half-Automatic Continuation and Extension for Urban Telephone Subscriber Line

    实现半自动接续和 市话用户线路延伸的廉价实用技术

  • Analysis on the Technology Service and Future of the Wireless Urban Telephone System

    浅析 小灵通系统的技术、业务及未来