urea phosphate

[jʊˈriə ˈfɑsˌfet][jʊˈri:ə ˈfɔsˌfeɪt]


  • Ion Exchange Resin Membrane ( IERM ) method was adopted to study the changes of three nutrients ( N P and K ) from four fertilizers ( urea potassium chloride calcium phosphate and slow-release-compound fertilizer ) in a continuous soil incubation experiment at 25 ℃ .

    在25℃恒温培养条件下,采用离子交换树脂膜(IERM)连续提取法研究了不同肥料( 尿素、氯化钾、 磷酸二氢钙、缓释复合肥)养分(氮、磷、钾)在土壤中的变化。

  • Study on effect increased weight by compound nutrition block which composed salt the urea the molasses the calcium hydrogen phosphate and the sodium sulfate .

    用膨润土、食盐、 尿素、糖蜜、 磷酸氢钙和硫酸钠等为主要原料制作成复合营养舔块来研究其对山羊增重效益的影响。

  • Slowrelease fertilizer with urea as core urea resin as binding agent and phosphate or potash fertilizer as its wrapper was prepared and tested .

    制备尿素为心核, 尿 树脂为粘结剂, 磷肥、钾肥为外包裹材料的缓释肥料;

  • The study deeply investigated the synthetic technology that used Urea Phosphate as raw materials . Adopted the line of experiments as follow : simulating ambience → exploring temperature → discussing the other factors → seeking optimum technology .

    本文深入研究了以 磷酸 尿素为原料制取 磷酸 的合成工艺,采用模拟气氛→探讨温度→讨论其它因素→优化工艺条件的实验路线。

  • The Status of Studying and Exploitation on the Production of Urea Phosphate

    磷酸 产品的开发研究现状

  • And tne yield remained stable and increase . Mean yield of treated forest with urea hog manure and serpentine-fused phosphate increased respectively by 98.80 % 65 . 70 % and 55.47 % than the control in the first 3 years .

    施用 尿素、猪栏肥、钙镁 磷肥的3年平均产量比对照分别增产98.80%、65.70%和55.47%。试验认为,嫁接换种、增加施肥投入及松土除草等技术措施是提高油茶产量的有效途径。

  • Urea could remarkably improve the substitution degrees of phosphate starches and the esterification efficiency .

    添加适量的 尿素可提高淀粉的酯化速率和 磷酸盐的反应效率。

  • Research on the phase equilibrium in the production of urea phosphate

    磷酸 生产中的相平衡研究

  • Application of activator in synthesis of urea phosphate by wet phosphoric acid

    湿法磷酸合成 磷酸 中活化剂 RX-Ⅲ的应用研究

  • Research Progress of the Forage Additive Urea Phosphate 's Production Technology in China

    我国饲料添加剂 磷酸 的生产工艺进展

  • In the presence of urea and sodium dodecyl sulfate Cobalt phosphate supersubtle particle was prepared by microwave .

    在有 尿素和十二烷基硫酸钠(SDS)存在下,采用微波加热方法合成了 磷酸钴超细微粒。

  • In an undisturbed column experiment the nitrogen leaching losses in the powder soil and blue clayey paddy soil was studied by applied urea with new nitrification inhibitor 3 pyrazole phosphate ( DMPP ) .

    采用小粉土和青紫泥原状土柱种植青菜,研究了 尿素添加DMPP(3二甲基吡啶 磷酸盐)硝化抑制剂对土壤氮素淋失的影响。

  • A series of poly-nutrient and slow release / controlled novel urea which were harmless to soil were made by using fertilizer-grade calcium hydrogen phosphate as coating material and PVA water solution as adhesive .

    以聚乙烯醇水溶液为粘结剂,以肥料级 磷酸氢钙为包膜材料,采用喷雾包涂的方法制备一种新的、多营养的、不污染土壤的缓释/控 尿素

  • Through the experiment we have known the ratio between urea and sulfuric the temperature of adding ground phosphate the influence of ripening time on effective phosphorus and other technological conditions and as a result we can define the optimum technological reference .

    通过实验研究了 尿素与硫酸的配比, 磷矿 加入时的温度,熟化时间对有效磷的影响等工艺条件,从而确定了适宜的工艺参数。

  • A study is made of the synthesis of urea phosphate and its application on cotton by drip irrigation .

    研究了 磷酸 的合成及其在滴灌棉花的施用情况。

  • The quadratics rotary orthogonal combination design was used to conduct field experiment of integrated balanced of yard manure urea calcium superphosphate potassium chloride and potassium dihydrogen phosphate fertilizer in order to increase the yield of Chinese chestnut .

    为提高板栗的产量,对圈肥、 尿素、过磷酸钙、氯化钾、 磷酸二氢钾等肥料,运用二次旋转正交组合设计,开展综合配套的施肥田间试验。

  • Studies on thermodynamics of dissociation reaction of urea phosphate

    磷酸 离解反应的热力学研究

  • Anhydrous ammonia urea diammonium phosphate and potassium chloride are among the most important fertilizers in United State in addition to mixed or compound fertilizers .

    其氮肥主要品种是浓缩氨水和 尿素,磷肥为 磷酸二铵,钾肥为氯化钾。复混肥料占有重要地位。

  • For the three granular fertilizer as urea diammonium phosphate and potassium sulfate the fertilizing amount increased linearly with the fertilize axis speed increase . That means changing the motor speed is an effective measure to adjust the fertilizing amount .

    对于 尿素磷酸 二铵和硫酸钾等三种颗粒肥料而言,随着排肥轴转速加大,排肥量呈线性增加,说明改变电机转速是调节排肥量的有效措施。

  • A 1 % quota tariff rate will be charged on urea compound fertilizer and diammonium hydrogen phosphate .

    尿素、复合肥、 磷酸氢二铵三种化肥的配额税率执行1%的税率。

  • Experiments for Studying the Effect of Adding Urea Phosphate in the Diet of Milking Stocks

    泌乳奶牛日粮中添加 磷酸 的效果试验

  • The nutrient release rates of single granular coated urea and coated monoammonium phosphate were determined by using conductometer .

    用电导仪测定包膜 尿素和包膜 磷铵单个颗粒养分释放速率。

  • The proper application rates of urea ammonium di-hydrogen phosphate and sulphate of patash are respectively 17kg / mu 7kg / mu and 6kg / mu .

    尿素磷酸 二铵、硫酸钾亩施用量分别不超过17公斤、7公斤、6公斤为宜;

  • Synthesis of Urea Phosphate Compound Fertilizer for Drip Irrigation and its Fertilizer Effect Experiment

    有机复合磷肥的生产滴灌复合肥 磷酸 的合成与肥效试验

  • Urea phosphate is the product of addition reaction between phosphoric acid and urea and usually obtained from reaction of phosphoric acid w ( P2O5 ) > 40 % w_184 with urea . As a fodder additive and a high-concentration compound fertilizer .

    磷酸 是磷酸与尿素的加合产物,通常多用ω(P2O5)>40%的磷酸与尿素反应制得,既是饲料添加剂,又是高浓度复肥,用途广。