


  • But missing among the sea urchin genes are some genes found in flies and worms .

    但是 海胆缺失了在苍蝇和蠕虫中发现的基因。

  • The accomplishment of sea urchin genome sequencing project filled a gap in genome sequencing which had the vital significance in the life sciences fields .


  • Go and wash your face molly ! You look like a street urchin .

    去洗你的脸,莫莉,你看上去像街头的 孩子

  • Alto . Listen I know you don 't like me because of the sea urchin thing .

    听我说兄弟,我知道你不喜欢我,因为 海胆 件事。

  • The sea urchin is one of the few marine organisms whose genome has been sequenced .


  • I still am that have the tenacious vitality urchin .

    我一直还是那个有着超强生命力的 孩子

  • An urchin who had frequently seen him before stopped to gaze .

    一个以前常在那里看见他的 顽童,停下来观望着。

  • Toxic Effects of Twelve Pesticides on the Development of Sea Urchin Embryos

    12种 常见农药对 海胆胚胎发育的毒性影响

  • Thaw the fish roe sea urchin and Artemia nauplii in a separate bowl .

    将鱼籽, 海胆和丰年虾分别放在碗里。

  • In the midst of his polished exhibitionsl was often reminded of an urchin I had once seen in naples .

    他的精心表演常常令我回想起在那不勒斯遇到的一个 顽童

  • Gilbert has discovered he only likes the sea urchin sushi .

    吉尔伯特发现他只喜欢吃 海胆寿司。

  • I 'll be glad to see the little urchin again .

    我将会很高兴再见到那个小 淘气

  • Genetic structure analysis of wild and cultured populations of the Japanese sea urchin ( Strongylocentrotus intermedius ) using microsatellites

    中间球 海胆野生和养殖群体遗传结构的微卫星分析

  • In the sea urchin eggs sperm acrosome reaction stirred up the eggs week in a polysaccharide film material .


  • In his own work he has documented the gradual re-emergence of the urchin and its positive benefit for corals .

    在他自己的工作中,他记录了 海胆的逐步重现以及它们对珊瑚的积极作用。

  • The sea urchin has been used for many years as a research model to study embryonic development .


  • A street urchin named Aladdin falls in love with Princess Jasmine who is sick of her sheltered life .

    在街上的流浪 阿拉丁爱上了茉莉公主,一位厌烦了安逸生活的苏丹国公主。

  • ' Urchin ' with its connotation of mischievousness may not be a particularly apt word . urchin


  • Study of Drug-Efflux Function of P-glycoprotein in Different Developmental Stages of Sea Urchin Embryos


  • The sea urchin in water gnaws away at encrusting algae .


  • Because I wouldn 't eat the urchin the other time ?

    就因为上次我没吃 海胆

  • Echinus : a sea urchin of the genus Echinus .

    海螯虾可食用的大虾海胆:一种 海胆属的海胆。

  • You need to love that very soft mushy texture of sea cucumber and sea urchin .

    你需要热爱海参和 海胆非常柔软的浆糊状质感。

  • Sea urchin having a heart-shaped body in a rigid spiny shell .

    有心形身体的 海胆,壳硬而多刺。

  • The sea urchin is delicious on its own but slightly overwhelmed by the creamy sauce .


  • The nutritive and medicinal values of sea urchin are both high and those of the sea urchin egg are highest .


  • Still somehow the Negro and the urchin held him in a greater terror .

    不过,不知为何,黑人和 顽童 更加畏惧他。

  • We were in the bazaar with all the little urchins watching us .

    我们在集市里,周围一大 衣衫褴褛 小孩盯着我们看。

  • Effect of Reef Models of Two Different Structures on Sea Urchin 's Selectivity to Baits

    两种不同结构人工礁对 海胆选择饵料影响的研究