UPS monitoring

[计] UPS监控进程

  • The results showed that the two monitoring module can both be satisfactorily completed the fuel cell UPS system monitoring and control realized design features .

    最后,对燃料电池 UPS 监控系统的 本地 监控单元和 远程 监控单元分别进行了实验测试,结果表明,这两个监控单元都能较好地完成对燃料电池 UPS 系统 监测与控制,实现了设计功能。

  • This article introduces a monitoring software scheme for Delta UPS which has been used in a railway .

    本文主要针对台达 UPS采用本身 监控软件在某铁路上的方案介绍。

  • Communication power monitoring includes high pressure power distribution transformer low pressure power distribution continuous power ( UPS ) switch power accumulator air condition and environment ( temperature humidity submerge smog etc. )

    通信电源 监控内容包括:高压配电、变压器、低压配电、柴油发电机组、 间断 电源 UPS、开关电源、蓄电池、空调、环境(包括温度,湿度,水浸,烟雾等)。

  • Describes the configuration demands of power supply equipment of computer room the compose of uninterrupted power supply ( UPS ) system UPS operation mode and its computer monitoring diagnosis and maintenance .

    论述了机房电源设备的配置要求,UPS电源系统的组成, UPS运行方式及其计算机 监控、诊断和维护。

  • Design and Implementation of UPS Monitoring and Management System Based on CATV Network

    基于CATV网络的 UPS 监控、管理系统的设计与实现

  • Monitoring of UPS and the management of its status database

    UPS 监控及其状态数据库管理

  • After a detailed analysis of function needed of UPS monitoring and communication software and a comparison between Delphi 7.0 and VC + + 6.0 Delphi 7.0 is chosen as the development environment for the software .

    本文详细分析了 UPS通信 监控软件的所需要实现的功能,并针对有待实现的功能对Delphi7.0和VC++6.0两种开发环境进行了比较,选择了Delphi7.0作为软件的开发环境。

  • Data acquisition and monitoring system of loading test of high power UPS modules are investigated and designed . The principle of the system hardware structure and software design are given .

    提出并设计了大功率 UPS负载试验系统及其数据采集与 监视模块,讨论了该系统的原理及硬件结构和软件设计。

  • VRLA batteries the monitoring object are stored in a UPS battery cabinet which is usually metallic materials . The design solves the monitoring problem of battery in this environment . ( 2 ) Improving the measurement accuracy of the system parameters .

    本系统的监测对象VRLA蓄电池存放在 UPS电池柜中, UPS电池柜通常为金属材料,该设计解决了此环境下的蓄电池组 监测问题。(2)提高了系统中各参量的测量精度。

  • By DNS Co. In this paper the research of monitoring system of UPS and cargo / ballast system includes mainly two parts : hardware development of measuration equipment and software designing of monitoring and controlling .

    本文对 应急 电源及货油/压载系统监测系统的研究主要分为检测装置的硬件开发和 监控软件的设计两部分。

  • At last according to the characteristics of CAN bus the method which achieves communicating the run parameters and monitoring the run states when the UPS system is running is presented .

    最后,根据CAN总线的特性,提出了CAN总线通讯方案,实现 UPS 并联时的运行参数的交换和运行状态的 监控

  • Uninterruptible power supplies ( UPS ) are often provided to supply power to critical loads such as computers controls and monitoring systems .

    不间断电源( UPS)通常作为重要负荷,如计算机、控制、 监测系统的电源。

  • BLM-1 type Battery On-line Monitoring instrument was developed and exploited for resolving knotty problem about carrying out UPS battery on-line real-time monitoring .

    针对如何实现 UPS电池系统中电池单体的在线实时 监测,研制开发了BLM-1型电池在线监测仪。

  • In recent years with extensive use of UPS power supply UPS power monitoring and control of the requirements for more and more high and embedded systems use and popularization of Internet making this demand has become possible .

    近年来,随着UPS电源的广泛使用,对 UPS电源的 监控要求也越来越高,而嵌入式系统的使用和Internet的普及,使得这种需求成为可能。

  • Research and Application of UPS Battery On-line Monitoring System

    UPS电池在线 监测系统的研究及应用

  • The Online Monitoring Maintenance Method of UPS and Direct Current Equipment

    UPS及直流电源设备在线 监测维护管理系统

  • Comparative analysis of common industrial network monitoring of the present situation the established Internet and CAN-based embedded system bus on the UPS power supply for network monitoring based on the Linux operating system to complete the monitoring system development .

    通过对比和分析工业监控网络的现状之后,确定采用基于Internet和CAN总线的嵌入式系统对 UPS电源进行网络 监控,完成了基于Linux操作系统的监控系统开发。

  • Study of Network Monitoring of UPS Power Base on ARM

    基于ARM的 UPS 电源网络 监控 系统的研究

  • UPS Monitoring and Controlling Software for Linux

    Linux平台下的 间断 电源 监控软件