


  • Then there is the vagus nerve .

    接下来说说 迷走神经

  • The right vagus divides into celiac and gastric branches .


  • I just in vagus gambling you know .

    我是来 拉斯维加斯赌博花钱的。

  • The vagus nerves have an inhibitory action on atrial pacemakers .


  • Objective : To study quantitatively the effects of vagus nerve stimulation ( VNS ) on the frequencies and intensities of complex partial seizure ( CPS ) .

    目的:定量研究 迷走神经刺激(VNS)对癫痫复杂部分性发作的频度和强度的影响。

  • A recording electrode was used to measure the electric discharge activities of cervical vagus nerve .

    使用记录电极计测颈部 迷走神经的放电活动。

  • In most severe cases the external carotid artery strap muscles of the neck Vagus nerve Hypoglossal nerve and the lingual branch of the Trigeminal nerve are also removed .

    在最严重的情况下,颈外动脉,肩带肌肉的颈部, 迷走神经项,舌下神经号和舌分行的三叉神经也删除。

  • Protease-activated receptors in dorsal motor nucleus of vagus in rats with inflammatory bowel disease

    蛋白酶激活受体在炎性肠病大鼠模型 迷走神经背侧运动核的表达及作用

  • Objective : To explore the clinical significance of preventing vagus reflex during PPH surgery by difference anesthetic techniques .

    目的:探讨麻醉选择在预防PPH手术中因牵拉直肠中下段黏膜而出现 迷走神经反射症状的临床意义。

  • Of or relating to the vagus nerve .

    迷走神经的属于或有关 迷走神经的。

  • Communicating branch with auricular branch of vagus nerve


  • The tensible strength of vagus and spinal nerves is very alike .


  • Objective : To probe into the mechanism of action about the vagus nerve center nucleus of solitary tract ( NTS ) in adjusting gastric motion by acupuncture at Zusanli Neiguan Zhongwan Qihai point .

    目的探讨 迷走神经中枢孤束核在针刺足三里、内关、中脘、气海调节胃运动中的作用机制。

  • As an obsessive-compulsive disorder sufferer I 'll always thinking about the bead and this effort will fail because the digestive system is controlled by the vagus nerve .

    像我这种有强迫症的人就会时刻惦记这个珠子的所处&而这种努力又会因为消化系统受控于 迷走神经徒劳无功

  • The gastric motility was not significant changed during stimulating AP after the vagus nerves beneath diaphragma were cut .

    为了探讨最后区兴奋对胃运动起抑制作用的传出神经通路,做了膈肌下 迷走神经切断实验。

  • Results : The patients with vagus nerve reflex by timely active treatment symptom relief were quickly returned to normal .

    结果:发生 迷走神经反射的患者,经及时、积极处理,症状均迅速缓解,恢复正常。

  • Objective To study the prevention and nursing of blood vessel vagus reflex caused by interposed treatment of heart disease .

    目的探讨介入治疗心脏病致血管 迷走神经反射的预防和护理措施。

  • To study the effect on carotid sinus and vagus for the cause of hemodynamic response during cervical plexus block .

    目的研究颈丛神经阻滞麻醉对颈动脉窦和 迷走神经的影响,探讨颈丛神经阻滞麻醉引起心血管副反应的原因。

  • Vagus nerve stimulation ( VNS ) can help patients with treatment-resistant depression that do not improve with medication .

    刺激 迷走神经有助于药物治疗没有改善的难治性抑郁症控制。

  • Thus it appears that the gastric inhibitory effect of caudate nucleus SP is mediated via substantia nigra and dorsal vagal nucleus to vagus nerve .

    这些结果表明:尾核SP的抑胃效应系通过黑质、迷走背核经 迷走神经传出

  • The inhibition of cortically induced jaw movements by stimulation of the vagus nerve

    刺激 迷走神经对皮层诱发性下颔运动的抑制作用

  • Delayed gastric emptying occurs when the vagus nerve is damaged resulting in impaired acetylcholine secretion and subsequent loss of normal contractility of the muscles of the stomach and intestines .

    胃排空障碍发生时, 迷走神经受损,受损乙酰胆碱分泌及胃和肠道的肌肉正常收缩后的损失。

  • Vagus Nerve Stimulation Therapy in Neuropsychiatric Disorders


  • The central nervous system can regulate the peripheral immune cells via the efferent vagus nerve .

    胆碱能抗炎通路是新近发现的神经 -免疫调节通路。

  • Comparative Studies on the Effects of Nucleus Ambiguus and Dorsal Motor Nucleus of Vagus on Gastric H ~ + and HCO_3 ~ - Secretion ; I have yet to check up some doubtful points .

    大鼠疑核和 迷走神经背核对胃酸、碳酸氢盐分泌影响的比较研究我还得核实一些疑点。

  • Electrical stimulation of the cervical vagus nerves was carried out to test the completeness of the vagotomies performed .

    行颈部 迷走神经电刺激以检测迷走神经切断的完全性。

  • To grasp the operational methods and essentials of trachea intubatton and vagus nerve separation .

    掌握气管插管, 迷走神经分离的手术方法及操作要领。

  • The cranial nerves handle head and neck sensory and motor activities except the vagus nerve which conducts signals to visceral organs .

    颅神经与头,颈部的感觉和活动有关,仅 迷走神经是为例外,该神经负责传递信号至内脏器官。