


  • Conclusions : Determination of the changes in urine ingredient in 24 hours has clinical significance in helping diagnose types of urolith and in the treatment and prevention of urolithiasis .

    结论检测24h尿液成分的变化对推断 结石类型。指导临床治疗与预防有应用意义。

  • Analysis of urolith ultrastructure

    尿 结石的超微结构分析

  • The results showed that the chemical compositions of the 3 cases were calcium phosphate struvite and mixed urolith respectively .

    结果表明,3例 结石的化学成分分别为磷酸钙、磷酸铵镁和混合性 结石

  • Study on the composition of urolith in a dog case fed with high level chicken liver diet

    长期饲喂高鸡肝饲粮 所致尿 结石成分的 分析研究

  • Conclusion : There was negative correlation between the related elements Ca Na and Fe from hair samples and the same elements from both urolith and soil .

    结论: 病人发样中Ca、Na、Fe 含量 与其 尿 结石和土壤中相应元素含量呈负相关。

  • Relations between four types of urolith and urine component

    四种类型 尿 结石与尿液成分的关系

  • Clinical analysis of 220 cases of urolith treated with B ULTRASOUND-ORIENTED extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy

    B超定位体外冲击波碎石治疗 尿石症220例临床分析

  • Effect of salpingo-salpingostomy combined with treatment by Chinese herbal drugs Application of Holmium in Treatment of Urolith and Operation Matching

    输卵管吻合术后配合中药治疗临床观察钬激光在泌尿 结石手术中的应用与配合

  • Surgery Coordination of Bilateral Lung Volume Reduction Surgery under Thoracoscope Application of Holmium in Treatment of Urolith and Operation Matching

    胸腔镜下行同期双侧肺减容术的手术配合钬激光在泌尿 结石手术中的应用与配合

  • Clinical Analysis of Minimal Invasive Treatment of Pneumatic Lithotripsy for 280 Cases Urolith

    气压弹道碎石术微创治疗 泌尿 结石280例临床分析

  • Results : There were four kinds of ' urolith : monohydrate calcium oxalate dihydrate calcium oxalate calcium oxalate with hydroxyapatite and uric acid .

    结果 红外光谱 分析四种类型 结石:一水草酸钙,二水草酸钙,草酸钙+羟基磷灰石,尿酸。

  • Study on the Relationship Between Kidney-deficiency Constitution and the Formation of Urolith

    肾虚体质对 泌尿 系统 结石形成的影响的实验研究

  • Objective : To explore the relations between four types of urolith and urine ingredient of 24 hours .

    目的探讨四种类型 结石与24h尿液成分之间的关系。

  • Conclusions The most satisfactory curative effects of minimally invasive treatment of PL for urolith was with the middle and lower section of ureterolith and then was the cystolith the least was the nephrolith .

    结论采用输尿管肾镜下气压弹道碎石术微创治疗 泌尿 结石以中下段输尿管结石及膀胱尿道结石效果最为满意,其次是输尿管上段结石,肾结石疗效最差。

  • Application of Holmium in Treatment of Urolith and Operation Matching

    钬激光在泌尿 结石手术中的应用与配合