


  • Clinical and Experimental Study of Urolithiasis in Animals

    动物 尿石 的临床和试验研究

  • Objective To investigate the relationship between the expression and regulation of osteopontin ( OPN ) and urolithiasis .

    目的探讨骨桥蛋白(OPN)的表达和调控与 尿石 的关系。

  • Urolithiasis is a common disorder with a high recurrence rate .

    尿 结石 是一种具有高复发率的常见疾病。

  • Conclusions Deficiency of urinary inhibitors such as osteopontin was one of the main factors in the pathogenesis of urolithiasis .

    结论尿骨桥蛋白等抑制物 分泌 减少 尿石 发病的主要因素之一。

  • OBJECTIVE To investigate the effect of Rongshi granule on renal stone formation in rat urolithiasis model .

    目的观察溶石冲剂对大鼠 泌尿 结石形成的影响。

  • Imaging features of infantile urolithiasis resulted from melamine

    婴幼儿 泌尿 三聚氰胺 结石影像检查特点

  • Pathogeny Analysis Clinical Diagnosis and Treatment of the Dog Urolithiasis

    尿石 的病因分析与临床诊治

  • A field survey of the relationship between feeding melamine-contaminated powdered formula and urolithiasis in children

    与食用受三聚氰胺污染配方奶粉相关儿童 泌尿 系统 结石的现况调查

  • Nurses should have more chances to obtain up-to-date information and have more ways of education to learn dietary knowledge about urolithiasis .

    应增加护士获取知识更新的机会,丰富护士对 尿石 相关饮食知识的教育途径来提高掌握程度。

  • At the same time colic urolithiasis could be managed by ureteroscopy .

    同时输尿管镜可对绞痛性 尿石即刻 有效处理。

  • Objective To study the role of dietary and nutritional factors in the etiology of urolithiasis .

    目的研究饮食营养因素在 尿石 发生中的作用。

  • Research Progress of Metabolism and Urolithiasis

    机体代谢与 尿石 形成 相关性研究进展

  • Dynamic Changes of Renal Function and Urinary Sediment during the Onset of Urolithiasis in Goats

    山羊 尿石 发生过程中肾功能及尿沉渣变化的动态研究

  • Relation between Temperature and Urolithiasis ( 196 Cases of Report )

    气温与 泌尿 结石的关系(附196例泌尿 结石分析)

  • It is closely associated with urolithiasis chronic infection and obstruction .

    文献 报告中它与 尿道 结石、慢性感染及阻塞有密切的关系。

  • Investigation on the Incidence of Urolithiasis in Children Who Ingested Milk Powder Tainted with Melamine in Chengdu Area

    成都地区食用含三聚氰胺奶粉儿童 泌尿 系统 结石发病情况调查

  • Background Urolithiasis is the most common benign disease in urinary system .

    研究背景 尿石 是最常见的泌尿系统良性疾病之一。

  • Objective To understand diet prevention in patients with urolithiasis .

    目的了解 尿 结石患者饮食预防 知识 掌握 情况

  • Clinical Analysis of 344 cases with Urolithiasis

    尿石 344例临床分析

  • Canine urolithiasis was a kind of urinary tract disease which was most common in older and toy-breed dogs .

    尿石 是犬的一种常见泌尿道疾病,多发生于中、老年犬和小型犬。

  • Conclusion : ESWL is safe and efficient and of choice the treatment for urolithiasis in children .

    结论:ESWL是小儿 尿 结石安全、有效的首选治疗方法。

  • Objective To investigate the dietary knowledge about urolithiasis among nurses of Department of Urology and analyse the influential factors .

    目的调查和分析泌尿外科护士对 尿石 相关饮食知识的了解情况,并分析影响其了解程度的相关因素。

  • We studied the effect of urolithiasis on renal growth in our pediatric patient population .

    我们对儿童 尿石 患者的肾脏发育进行研究。

  • The Research on the Relationship between Human Urinary Trefoil Factor 1 and Urolithiasis

    人尿液三叶因子1(TFF1)与 尿 结石的相关性研究

  • Conclusions : The main risk factors of pyonephrosis is urolithiasis ( 78.1 % ) .

    结论:上 尿 梗阻性肾积脓以 结石梗阻为主(78.1%)。

  • Conclusion Nurses of Department of Urology have deficiency in dietary knowledge about urolithiasis .

    结论泌尿外科护士对 尿石 相关饮食知识 认知度上存在一定欠缺。

  • Objective To study urolithiasis in renal colic patients and ureteroscopic treatment of colic urolithiasis .

    目的探讨肾绞痛患者的 尿石 实际 发生 情况以及肾绞痛的输尿管镜处理。

  • Objective : To study the safety and efficacy of ESWL as a treatment for urolithiasis in children .

    目的:探讨ESWL治疗小儿 尿 结石的安全性和疗效。